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"Kimishita, you idiot!"

Kimishita rose from his chair. His pencil fell from his hand, clattering to the ground and rolling into a corner. He didn't even notice. His entire body was frozen. His eyes were glued on the figure standing in the doorframe, breathless and anguished. The only thing on his mind was one word, one single question.


"Kiichi," he whispered, his voice failing him. "Kiichi," he said again, louder, "what the–"

"Idiot!" Kiichi yelled at him. "What the hell are you doing here? You're always the same! Stop forcing yourself!"

Kimishita stared at him with growing confusion. "What the hell are you talking about?" he shot back, irritated. "I'm just minding the store and my business! How is that forcing myself?"

"Just keep it closed, asshole! If you're sick then go rest!" Kiichi stormed across the shop just as Kimishita hurried towards him, grabbing his collar and shaking him. "And answer the others, you jerk! They've been trying to reach you and they're all worried like crazy! If you don't go to school for two days, at least tell them you're fine!"

Kimishita blinked. He was getting more and more puzzled by the second. "Shut up!" he growled, yanking Kiichi's hands away from his collar. "Stop spouting random nonsense! Who the fuck told you I wasn't at school today?"

"Don't lie!" Kiichi grabbed his shoulders now, gripping them like a lifeline. "Kazama just called me and told me everything! What were you thinking? Don't just disappear on people and leave them worrying!"

Oh, the irony.

"Look who's talking!" Kimishita glared up at Kiichi, anger and worry and frustration erupting from him in a mix of red-hot fury. "Should you really go around telling people not to disappear on others without warning or leaving a message? What about you disappearing on me after the match then, huh? What about you not answering my calls and texts? You didn't even tell me where you were going! Should you really be lecturing me about vanishing into thin air and making other people worried sick?"

Kiichi stumbled back as if he'd been hit. He paled, his face hardening with guilt and pain. "I..."

"And besides," Kimishita continued in a slightly calmer tone, "you've been tricked. I was at school today, and I'm fine. Kazama lied to you, which you would know if you hadn't run off and cut all contact for two whole days! You better have a good explanation for this, you idiot!"

"I do!"

Kimishita stepped back. There was something in Kiichi's eyes that made him fall silent, gazing at him as he waited for him to speak again, listening.

"I wanted to contact your mom," Kiichi said quietly. "I knew you'd never let me but I wanted to try it, maybe she could help! So I went out without telling you where I was going... I thought I'd be back soon, but I went to her workplace and they told me she was on a business trip so I went to her hotel to talk to her and I was gonna text you and tell you I'd stay at my place but my phone died just when you called me and then when I got home yesterday I was so tired I just collapsed and slept till like an hour ago and that's when Kazama called me..." He hung his head. "...and... and I read your texts, I... Kimishita, I..."


Kimishita's voice was quiet, almost gentle. He knew he should be mad. Kiichi had broken his trust. He had run away on him without a word. He had searched out the mother Kimishita had never wanted to see again. And he'd been stupid and impulsive and thoughtless, forgetting to charge his phone and overburdening himself to the point of collapsing when he arrived at his house and leaving Kimishita to worry and fear alone for two whole days. But he couldn't help it. Not when Kiichi was standing in front of him like that, quiet and heartbroken and full of regret, gazing down at his shoes and looking so much smaller than usual. Not when he was so absurdly, overwhelmingly glad to just have him back.

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