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(Last Day of School) 

*Bell Rings* 

"Okay class, Have a great summer, and have a great time at middle school, and don't forget to do your homework!" My teacher yelled as all the kids ran out of the class and left the school as soon as possible. Bo and I walked out together, and I knew he was acting different. Everyone else was already gone, and was happy to be gone. Middle School will be so fun! Was the thought running through everyones mind. Not mine. Life was going to be a living Hell withough Bo. We walked to my bus, and stopped there.

"Hey K?" He said, looking at me, smiling. 

"Yeah?" I said, raising an eyebrow at his smile. 

"So... It's good for me... but, probably not for you." 

"Okay... You're scaring me."

"No!" He said. "It's not like that." 


"So, I convinced my parents to keep me out of the Catholic school for a few years." 

"Yes!" I said. "Why wouldn't that be good?" 

"Because I'm not going to the middle school!"  

"Oh..." I looked down. 

"I listened to you." 

I looked back up, confused. "Huh?" 

"I'm going to a school for arts. I'm gonna practice my acting and singing. It's called Walnut Hill. It's very hard for a sixth grader to get in, since there are only about 100 open spots for middle schoolers. I have audition tomrrow and I'm not ready at all.  I really hope I get in, because then I'll be forced to be homeschooled. I'm really sorry. We'll hang out, I promise." 

"Alright. Holding you to that promise."

"Can-do." He said, smiling, flashing his dimple. 

I smiled back. This isn't any better. 

"Well, the busses are almost ready. I'll call you tomorrow after the audition, okay?" 

"Okay." He started walking ahead to his bus. You're losing your chance! "Bo!" I yelled. He tured around, and I ran toward him, wrappng my arms around him. He stood there for a second, and after a sescond returned the favor. "I'll miss you so much." 

"So will I." He said back. 

We hugged for about ten seconds, until I let go, giving him an awkward wave. He waved back, giving me his smile once again. I smiled back, but a tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away, and looked back up at him. His eyes were red, and his face was as well. "I have something for you." He said,  reaching into his back pocket, pulling something out. 

He grabbed my hand and placed it in, closing my fingers over it. I opened them up and looked at what it was. It was a plactic S'more keychain. "Ta-Da?" 

"I love it." I said, another tear streamed down my face.  "Thank you." 

He pulled me in for another quick hug, and I hugged him back. He pulled away and said. "See ya' around then?" 

I sniffled, wiping my eye. "You know it." 


This is such a short chapter, and I'm sorry about that! I just really wan to get to the good parts      \( > ᗜ < )/ 

-P&B <3

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