You have a disability and he know it others don't know about it

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Liam: y/n has autism so I know y/n had autism she dose things differently to me so one day Niall come over to mine and y/n house, I told y/n at I was just go to pop to the corner shop not far form where we lived, Niall told y/n at she was odd when I got back, y/n was not in the sitting room she was upstairs in are bedroom crying she told me what Niall had say to her, I told Niall at she had autism so she did things differently, he came up to say sorry to y/n.

Louis: y/n had been born deaf, I know she deaf I wood let her put a finger on my lips, as she was good a lip reading, and she signed to me what she wanted, so one day Liam came over to mine and y/n house, whist he was there she signed to him what she was doing, and he was getting annoyed whit it, I told him at she was born deaf, he let her put a finger on her his lips he say sorry at I upset you.

Harry: y/n had been born with no felling in her legs she was in a wheelchair so one day zayn meet me and y/n at a cafe she went to order what we wanted whist she was gone zayn told me how do you put up whit her be in a wheelchair, she did hear what zayn say about her she went out ok thanks zayn you need to apologise to y/n because she was born whit no felling in her legs that why she has to have a wheelchair he goes out see y/n siting in her chair crying y/n I am so sorry at I upset you zayn say can we still be friends ok y/n say.

Niall: y/n had Down syndrome which mention she was smaller than me one day Harry and me and y/n went to the park why is she small than you Niall Harry say coz I say she as Down syndrome so that why she is smaller than me oh he say well I sorry that's ok Harry I say.

zayn: y/n had dwarfism witch meant she was smaller than me so Louis came over one day to mine and y/n house she went to get the door when she open it Louis  say hello litte girl is you daddy in y/n was sad at she was call litte girl i had told louis at y/n was a adult i told him as she had dwarfism which meant she was grow up but she was small due to her be small louis apologised to y/n are we still friends Louis say yes y/n say back to Louis  .

Authors notes I did This as I have autism and The people who I love and like Down syndrome is one of my friend has it and my sibling has it to that why I did this and i thort i do dissabiltys

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