Harry DDM

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Today I was go to see my daddy perform for the bbc my nanny anney  came too Nick Grimshaw say who love to sing whit you he say my darter y/n she love to hear me sing and I love to hear her sing he love me as I was his rock and his little baby girl who held him up as he had me as my mum Lilly and him divorce when I was 3 years old as my mum Lilly was cheating on him and he had fall custody on me as I never loved my mummy Lilly as she was not a nice mummy to me so his next song was dedicated to me y/n he sang it at the end I was crying happy tiers and Nick Grimshaw ask me to come up on stage I ran and hug my daddy and I told Nick Grimshaw what I was go to do he told Harry to take a seat and I sang him a song a I made up for him

You are the farther who is the man in my life and you are there for me for m

At I love you when I was fist born you promise me this dad I wood have everything at you had love me and you sported me dad at a girl could  ever ask as you dad I am happy at you was in band who you took me on tour and 

I dad will love you dad you are my light dad and you kept me strong so I love you dad  and at you are my number one 

When I finish singing he was crying whit happy tears as he love his baby girl so much.

A/n woohoo three wattpad story's in one day I bissy next week so it be wattpad updates at night time so yap 

Q: did you wach Harry styles live on the bbc 

A: I did 

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