It you birthday he gets you presents

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Liam: today 11th August was y/n's birthday I orderd some flowers for her whit a card say to my y/n happy birthday I love you lots love Liam oh baby y/n say I love them thank you so much.

Harry: today 11th August was y/n's birthday I got her a hart ring wich was pink and inside it say I love you she love it so much she nilley cried.

Louis: today 11th August was y/n's birthday I got her seven heven and original face masks she love them.

Niall: today 11th August was y/n's birthday I got her some bathboms she love tham she is my litte Irish sweet smelling girl at I love.

Zayn: today 11th August was y/n's birthday I got her a necklace whit a owl on it as she like her mum love owls and it was also a thank you coz she save my older brother he had epilepsy and he was having a fit whist he was awake so she say it was most buttifall thing ever.

Hay soo sorry it took longer so yesterday was my birthday wich was 11th August I known I was go to do longer one wich I did so sorry I do a longer one today.

Question: what is you fave birthday cake.

Awrncer: chocolate birthday cake of corse. 

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