An Unexpected Love (A Campbell Carsley Love Story)

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That's the annoying sound I wake up to everyday, 5 days a week. I get to go to a torturous place for 7 hours of the day and the only thing I like about it is my japanese and drama class. Yes, I'm talking about school.

Everyday I follow the same routine: I get up out of bed, shower, eat, and get dressed. Then, I get on the train and ridde it to school. The worst part about school -- there's not one single girl that even romotely attractive at my school. Well, I mean sure, you have the over baked, blonde, bimbo's and the sluts. But I want a girl that isn't trying to get into my pants. I expected today to be kind of normal, just like anyother day. But math class...I met my dream. 

The teacher, as always, started the class with news every morning, and this morning, just happened to be different. 

"Alright class, we have a new student today, her name is Tori Tomlinson. She's come from Gold Coast, so please welcome her." She stepped aside and a beautiful girl with long dark brown hair walked in wearing a gorgeous yellow dress. I couldn't get enough of her. 

She looked around the class room, shy. "..Hi.." She gave a nervous wave and a slight smile. Unfortunately, not once did she look at me. I decided to turn my head down and just stare at my phone. 

"You can sit in the empty seat in front of Campbell." My head literally shot up at my name. Tori was coming to sit in front of me? I don't know if I should be happy, I mean, I'm in reaching distance of her, but I can't even look at her face. Maybe she'll need help with her algebra, or maybe need to borrow a pencil, and then I'll finally get to see her face. 

She grew a small smile on her face and walked to the seat; her face was down and she looked like she didn't even want to be here. 

"I need everyone to pass up there chapter 8 homework. And since today is a friday and I have many papers to grade, I'm allowing you to talk to your mates and groms througout the whole class. Enjoy!" My teacher announced. 

Wow, she never lets us just waste a class away. She only does this when she's pregnant or she just had sex. Thank you Mr. Callahan for treating Mrs. Callahan well. 

I needed this time, I could finally talk to Tori. Hopefully she wasn't gonig to be a slut like my ex Stacey. 

My palms suddenly got really sweaty and I was super nervous. Why am I nervous? It's just a girl...right?

I finally spoke up, "Hi, my name's Campbell. And you are?"

She turned around and pointed to her, asking if I was speaking to her. I just replied with a simple nod.

"Tori, Tori Tomlinson. It's nice to meet you Campbell." She half turned in her seat. She seemed very proper, so far that's a good sign. 

Alright, say something that sounds good. "The pleasure is mine. So where in Brizzie do you live?"

Good, that sounded good. 

She stayed quiet for a minute. Crap, I messed up!

"Uhm, I really don't know. All I know is I have to ride the train here, and I live just off the beach. I just moved here 2 days ago." She said more unsure than anything.

"That's nice, I can guarentee you'll love it here." 

Tori: Thanks, I'm glad that I could walk into class and have a friend. So..tell me about yourself Cam.

Cam: Well, I'm 15, I love Dogs, my best mate is Josh Winnington and Cody Simpson.

TorI: like..THE Cody Simpson?

Cam: Yeah...don't freak.

Tori: Oh, I wont, that's really cool that you're tight with him.

Cam: Yeah, so can you surf?

Tori: Definately. I can really shred on the board.

Cam: Sweet, I'll have to check it out sometime.

Tori: Totally.

Cam: So, tell me about you.

Tori: Well, im 14, my birthday is tomorrow, and my best mate is Ashley, but she's back in Gold Coast.

Cam: That must of really sucked, just having to pack everything you have and just leave. You have to leave everything behind, your friends, and sometimes your family.

Tori: Well, my dad gets relocated alot with his job and all. He works with Apple and he's trying to make a market down here.

Cam: move around alot?

Tori: Well, my dad said we'll be here for a while.

Cam: Great! So lemme see your schedual, I wanna see if we have any other classes together.

Tori: Here...

Cam: Oh, cool. We have Geography, Japanese, and Drama together. So we'll be together most of the day.

Tori: That's great!

Cam: Yupp.

I don't know what it is about this girl but I feel like I could talk to her all day if I could. I can tell she's something special. Like something I need to hold onto.

At the end of the day, I sat with Tori on the train and I found out she lives 2 houses down from me. This will be great! I offered to help her move her stuff in and she said it was fine. We are supposed to meet at the beach at 4 and it's 3:30 now. Tori makes me nervous and she makes my heart beat faster. What is this? I hope it's something good. 



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