Chapter 16 {Part 2}

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**Tori's P.O.V.**

Ash: Why would he just suddenly want you back if you have Alex and he has Giorgia.

Tori: I really don't know. I just can't decide weather to forgive him or not.

Ash: I would help you out here, but I've been in NY since all this has happened, soooo, I can't really help.

Tori: I know, I'm sorry for bringing you down. So how are you, do you and Cody still keep in touch?

Ash: Unfortunately, no. He has tour and he's just too famous to do anything with me. Besides, we'd be across the country from each other so It just wont work.

Tori: Awwh, I'm sorry.

Ash: It's okay. I'm hoping I can find someone while I'm here, ya know.

Tori: Yeah. But for fair warning, don't go with anyone that Giorgia may like haha.

Ash: Can't always promise that haha.

Tori:You know, I think if you wouldn't of shown up, Campbell would of never left.

Ash: Why do you say that?

Tori: Well, it's just he thinks that he can just walk right back into my life after walking right out TWICE.

Ash: Boys will be boys I guess. But Alex is pretty good.

Tori: I know. He was really sweet to me when we were on our date. And amazingly, he's cool with the whole baby thing.

Ash: Well, he may be a keeper.

Just then, Ashley's phone had started to ring.

Ash: Hmm, unknown number. Should I answer?

Tori: YES! For all you know, it could be One Direction!

Ash: True haha.


Ash: Okay!! Hello?

**Ash's P.O.V.**

*Phone Convo*

Ash: Hello?

??:Hey, It's Cody. Remember me by any chance?

Ash: Oh, hey. And yeah, I do remember you.

Cody: Well, I was in Australia and I wanted to know if you were still here and wanted to maybe get some coffee sometime at the coffee house up the street.

Ash: Uh, sure? Where are you staying?

Cody: Jakes.

Ash; Ah, I see. Well, when do you want to meet?

Cody: How about tomorrow morning? Say 11-ish.

Ash: 11 sounds great! I'll see you then I guess.

Cody: Cool! Bye!

Ash: Bye!

**End Phone Convo**

Tori: Who was that?

Ash: Uh, Cody.

Tori: Cody? Since when did he ever care about Australia?

Ash: I know he kinda left, but give him a chance, he is a superstar.

Tori: Yeah, I know. So whens your little date?

Ash: It's not a date haha, it's just two ex-lovers going out for coffee.

Tori: Ashley! It's a date sweety?

Ash: Whatever you say, Tori. Well I have terrible jet lag, so I'm going to bed, goodnight.

Tori: Night.

I walked out of the living room into the spare room, while taking a quick glance into Karlee's room. She's so beautiful and she looks just like her mother. She's going to grow up to be a great woman like Tori. I can just tell.

As I laid down in bed, it finally hit me. I'm going to go on a date with my ex-lover Cody Simpson. What if paparazzi see us? Is this date a good idea. I guess I'll just have to go and see how everything works out. The last thing I remembered was looking at the clock and saying 3:14 am.

**Tori's P.O.V.**

When Ashley went to bed, I had some time to myself to just think things through.

Campbell claims he loves me. I've got Alex. Why does this have to be so hard. I mean, I love Campbell, and I always will. But do I love Alex? We've only been on one date, and Campbell and I have a baby. God, why did you do this to me? What did I do to deserve this? Campbell....Alex....Alex...Campbell. Campbell. Alex. Alex. Campbell.



So that's the end of Chapter 16. Well I'm only going to make this story around like 21 chapters, so it's going to be over pretty soon. I've got like 3 other stories I've got to work on. Plus, I have plans for a One Direction Fan Fic, and a new Cody Fan Fic.

The song for this chapter is.........*drum roll*...............Ends With You By Cody Simpson. This is one of my many favorites of Cody Simpson and this chapter basically talks about being in love...sooo...LISTEN TO THE SONG!

P.S. I wrote this at 5 AM So, you better be happy Tori!

Make sure to check out my newest story. 'Secret Penpals {A Cody Simpson Love Story}' I will be updating that one as soon as possible.



An Unexpected Love (A Campbell Carsley Love Story) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now