Chapter 1: The Plan

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I found myself standing in the sacred hunting grounds of Starclan. Standing before me were legends of long ago. Wise leaders, strong warriors, untrained apprentices, and playful kits. All of them sad and hungry. Though they have all died and are suppose to be left in peace clearly they are not. I can see there bones sticking out of their pelts and fur matted.

There is no prey on sight and I immediately know that they are just as hungry as what is left of us. A cat with bright red fur goes through the crowd and greets me, "Welcome Flamestar, as you can see we have brought you to our hunting grounds to discuss the future of what is left of the clans." The cat sighs like he is depressed of how the once great cats turned into a group of rouges. "My name is Firestar and I have come to guide you on your journey to rebuild them, there are cats out there with warrior blood that wish to be running in the wild." I just listen stunned that I would be the one to do all of these things, even with the help of Starclan, "I know that you are doubtful," Firestar says, "but let us guide you to rebuild the clans we will all be there every step of the way, wake up and start your long journey to rebuild the clans," as I wake up I feel some thing that I haven't felt in a long time, hope.


When I woke up the next morning I saw the cats waking up, like zombies all of them look like zombies too, matter fur and visible bones thought their thin skin. Their eyes look like a blurry marble, they think that the clans will soon be just a legend, a fairy tale that queens tell their kits to prevent them from leaving their home. Boy are they wrong.

I call over my deputy and the medicine cat, "Ashfoot, Nightstripe there is something we need to discuss." Seeing as they just woke up like me they groggily walk over to me. "Flamestar, you called?" asked Nightstripe getting strait to the point. Not quiet sure on how to tell them this I wait for a short time before I have it in my head, "I received a message from Starclan," I said and when I told them this there was hope in their eyes, the glaze gone and no other emotions present. "What did they have to say?" Asks my deputy, and I explain what happened, "I had just fallen asleep when I found myself on Starclan's hunting grounds, all of the cats were in the same condition as us, matted fur and ribs showing thought their skin. Firestar told me that I had to rebuild the clans and that he would guide me on my path, he said that Starclan could tell us about different cats that live today with warrior blood flowing though their veins and those who are willing to give up their current life's to join us. Then he told me to wake up and to do as he said, so what do you two think we should do?"

A little stunned I wait in silence as they contemplate what I just said. Nightstripe is the first to say anything, "I know that this will be a dangerous journey but we have to do something or else we will become just fables." Ashfoot nods his head in agreement, "When will we tell the cats about the plan?" I hear a hint of urgency in his voice and I reply calmly trying to make him feel more relaxed, "We can right now, there is no reason to wait." They both nod their heads as I walk to the highest point in out makeshift camp and call out to the cats that are not awake or gathered at the foot of the twoleg box, "All cats join me here for a meeting of great importance." As my yowl echoes around the cats that were still in their dens and gather below the box.

"I know that all of you are hungry and depressed and I have some news that will give you hope for a world of hunting more than you can eat and living a life like those before us did," pausing to catch my breath I let this sink in and the whole clan, Ashfoot, Nightstripe, Redclaw, Whitepaw, Graykit, and Singetail all have some hope in their eyes as they clear and blaze in side of them, like the fire that is their soul, it had been embers the lowest in clan history now they are ablaze as large as a Bon fire and they know what am going to say before I even know what I am saying, "Starclan visited me to get up and rebuild the clans to their once former glory. I have not yet gotten any signs of were to begin so if you see any Satrclan cats then let me know what they have to say, you may all go and try to find some food, may Starclan light your paths."

I jumped down from the box and tried to pry it open. The two legs sometimes through out seasoned chickens and they are about the best food that we can get. The box that I was standing on is filled with the twolegs' waste. They through out things from their *paper* to food that they are done with. The food can be very disgusting and molded or there can be just a small amount left.

The smell of this place is foul, filling my nose with revolting smells that make me want to run from this place and never look back, but I have a *clan* to look after so I have to stay and look after them. Inside the box is black bags that contain the food or the waste. I open the first one to see food tons of food like a hole chicken with just a little mold on it. Not a bite taken out of it.

I grab the chicken in my mouth and jump outside of the box. "Hey guys I found the jackpot!" They all jump out of the tin cans that just carry 1 black bag and see the chicken. All of them gasp and start eating it. The meal is short lived when I smell near by cats and we aren't alone.

I spin around to find myself face to face with a small black cat, this is no ordinary cat though he looks like the cat Scourge, her claws sharpened and covered in dog teeth, her collar coved with bones of dogs and cats alike. "You remind me of some one that my mother told me about," she said with a lot of authority in her voice, "long ago my ancestor was killed by a cat with 'fur as bright as the sun' Of course that cat had cheated death, and once Scourge had turned around that brat killed him with a clean cut across his neck. My mother told me this story to me as her mother had told her and now I finally get to meet one of them. I am here to steal your prey for you and your rouges are not the only hungry cats and if you try to fight me then I will leave you to die with an inch of your life." She cackled and I was unfazed knowing that I had never learned how to fight only to hunt for food, for the clans were left hungry once the twolegs took our homes. "You will not take any thing that belongs to..." I was thinking about what to call my clan of cats then the perfect name popped into my head, "Phoenixclan." My clan of cats turned towards the cat and she said, "I plan too even if you try to put up a fight, but so I'm not rude so I will tell you my name, it is Vanquish, for all cats that meet my claws are going to meet their demise even if they have after life, and if you don't die then you will never go anywhere without thinking if I am behind you watching your every paw step." knowing what she said could be true, I know that her small look is deceiving. "You and what army?" I ask not surprised if she plans to take me on a lone. Laughing Vanquish replies, "This army." I look around to see cats coming out of the shadows. There are at least 20 cats all with a hungry look in there eyes, not just for prey, but for blood.

Thanks for reading my book, if anyone is even out there. I would like thank my sisters, Airbenderjulia and @TurDragon_jade for giving me the names of some of the cats in my book like Singetail and Vanquish. Of course please vote and comment to help me get this book out there. And I would like to thank all of you for reading my book again.


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