A long way there

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You board the plane and get to your seat when suddenly
"Crap" you think to yourself "I'm sat in front of a baby, this is going to be a long flight" you sigh and get your earbuds out of your bag, playing your music as loud as you can but you can still hear the baby screaming.
*two hours go by*
7 hours to go, the baby has stopped crying, "Thank God" you grumble to yourself. You turn your music down a bit since there is no need to drown out the wailing child, then the flight attendant comes up to you. You were expecting her with her cart of mediocre plane snacks but she has nothing with her.
"Excuse me ma'am, someone has upgraded your ticket to first class. Please grab all your belongings and come with me" she says with a huge grin on her face.
"What?! Um okay one second" you say with a confused tone. You ask the woman "Who upgraded my ticket?"
She replied with an even bigger smile "That is a surprise my dear".
You're even more confused than you were before.
With all your stuff gathered she takes you past a curtain and to your seat in first class, you're just getting comfortable when you hear a rather familiar British accent..
"I see you've gotten comfortable already" you turn and there he is again, tom, he's wearing a black hoodie and has his headphones around his neck
"God he looks adorable" you think to yourself.
"Yeah haha someone's upgraded my ticket so here I am!" You say trying not to stutter,
"Haha yeah I know, I upgraded your ticket" he says behind a smile and a laugh.
"Really?" You're blushing again. "Why?" You ask,
"Because I couldn't let a beautiful girl like yourself sit in front of a screaming baby, miserably waiting for the flight to be over." Now both of you are blushing,
"O-oh... u-uhh thanks" you say as you turn bright red and hide behind your hands.
"Haha that's cute, when you do that" he chuckles,
"Do what?" You say bringing your face out of your hands
"When you bury your face in your hands, it's quite adorable".
"Oh aha thank you, I think" you say awkwardly
"Oh my God I can't believe this is happening! Tom holland is flirting with me" you say to yourself.
"Tom you're turning that girl into a tomato with all this flirting" teases Harrison, toms best friend, which makes you both blush even harder.
"Oh shut up Harrison" he says throwing a sly middle finger his way as Harrison laughs out loud and reciprocates the gesture. They're cat fighting is making you laugh-cry, your laughter is contagious and soon both tom and Harrison are laughing as well, "you guys are too funny I can't" you say still laughing.
"Hear that mate! The pretty girl thinks we're funny!" Harrison jokes, the compliment making you smile. Toms face goes from happy to worried, "what's wrong? We're just having fun" Harrison says,
"It's nothing" he says, you look at him and gesture for him to come to your seat and into your enclosed private area that first class seats have. He joins you.
"So, what's wrong" you ask him,
"It's just, this might seem pathetic but when Harrison called you pretty.. and you smiled... it got me worried" he says getting quieter and quieter. You look at him with reassuring eyes and say,
"Tom if your worried that I like Harrison, then don't be because I can guarantee I don't I like someone else.." he shoots his head up and asks "who?"
"The guy that I saw on screen in 2013 when I was 15, the guy that played the most loving son and the best brother, the guy who plays an adorable nerd named Peter Parker. I like you and have since I first saw you." You say as he smiles at you. You were about to say more but was interrupted by tom smashing his lips onto yours, at first you're surprisingly but you quickly realize what's happening and kiss him back. You have never felt so electrified and alive, you run your fingers through his hair as he grips your waist pulling you closer and eventually you're on your back and he's on top of you, lips still locked, you peck his lips once more and pull away. You've never smiled that big in your life but looking at him, recalling what just happened you can't do anything but smile, he's looking into your eyes, then your lips, his eyes filled with lust.
"Woah... that was amazing" is all you were able to say after minutes of just staring at each other,
"We'll have to do it again sometime" he says as he winks and gets up to go back to his seat, you grab his hand and kiss him one more time then you let him go he smiles and sits down in his seat, eyes still glued on you.
You've loved him since you were fifteen years old, and you love him even more every time he looks at you with his chocolate brown eyes, the last six hours of the flight you sleep. Dreaming about what could possibly happen next.


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