The night we met

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Y/N- your name
Y/F/N- your full name
Y/M/N- your mothers name
**Three years later**

Tom walks in to the room while you're doing your makeup and listening to one of your favourite songs, the night we met.
"You know you don't need that stuff right? You know you are already the most gorgeous woman on the entire planet without makeup." Tom lovingly says as he plants a kiss on your neck that sends shivers down your spine,
"Yes I know, because you tell me every time you catch me doing my makeup darling." You respond with a slight sarcastic tone, you turn to face tom because he's been pecking you with kisses to get you to turn around and as soon as you do he kisses you passionately on the lips.
"I love you y/n, I love every detail of you. I love your sarcasm, your sense of humour, your laugh, your lips, your eyes, your smile, I love you so much."

"Tom I love you more than I can put into words and I am ecstatic that I get to spend the rest of my life with you.."

He stands you up and starts to slow dance with you in your room, leaning in his shoulder while dancing he says,

" This song, I love it because it ironically makes me think of the night we met. Besides today, that was the best day of my life."

"Same here, I loved you then, I love you now, and I will love you forever."

You and him sway in your dressing room until the song ends, then the doors burst open, making you both jump.

All the bridesmaids shout in unison as they rush in and push tom out of the room while you laugh your butt off because of the look on toms face,

"Was that really necessary?" You ask your girlfriends.

"Yes! It's bad luck to see the bride before she's ready, Duuuhhhhh" your best friend states.
You scoff and ask,
"Fine, where do we start?"

They all squeal and rush towards you, some start on your hair and the other start, or should I say finish your makeup. In no time your all done, they take a step back and admire you while you do the same in the mirror, your in awe just as they are.

"You look stunning" your mother says as she walks through the door trying her best not to cry,

"Thanks mom." You say with a shaky voice, also trying hard to not cry.

Your mom comes closer and hugs you, straightens your dress then says,
" it's time my love, are you ready?"
Whilst wiping a tear from your face you say,
"I've been ready since I was fifteen,
let's do this."

-- The wedding is in a rose garden with a lake in behind where tom is standing with the preacher--

The musicians start to play the song at every wedding which signifies the bride is coming, your maid of honour and toms best man walk out first along with a flower girl, then the rest of the bridesmaids and the other men walk out, the musicians raise the tone of the song as you and your mom walk out together, as your dad died of lung cancer when you were only a toddler.
Your eyes are glued on tom, who is starting to cry which makes you tear up, when you get to the podium the preacher asks your mom,
" do you, y/m/n, give your daughter to this man?"

"I do" she says as tears stream down her face, she turns to you and kisses your forehead, you walk up to tom and take his hands, the preacher begins saying,

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the presence of family and friends to join together this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony, instituted of God and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or carelessly, but reverently, joyfully and in the love of God. Into this holy estate these two persons present come now to be joined.
I will now read a verse from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8,
'Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.'
Thomas Stanley Holland and Y/F/N come today desiring to be united in this sacred relationship. Please join hands and state your vows at this time."
Tom starts by saying,
"Y/F/N, we met in an airport three years ago and that may not be the most glamorous place to meet the love of your life, but it's where I met mine. I didn't know then that you would be the woman I would spend the rest of my life with but now that I stand before you, I know that this is the best decision I have ever made. I love you, forever and always." Placing your marriage band on your ring finger, you begin with your vows.
" Thomas Stanley Holland, I loved you even before I knew you. Seeing you in the screen I fell in love instantly and never in my life would I have ever imagined being her with you, the love of my life, getting married to you. I am going to say what u said to you the night we met, when you were scared and asked who I liked, who I loved. "The guy that I saw on screen in 2013 when I was 15, the guy that played the most loving son and the best brother, the guy who plays an adorable nerd named Peter Parker. I like you and have since I first saw you."  I love you and I mean it when I say I always will, forever and always." Once you finish you put his marriage band on his ring finger on his left hand, the preacher continues,

"Bless, O Lord The Giving of these rings that they who wear them, may live in your peace and your favor all the days of their life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen, Repeat these words I say to you, This ring is my sacred gift to you, A symbol of my Love, A sign that from this day forward and always, My Love will surround you, With this ring I thee wed."

Behind tears you both repeat him,
"This ring is my sacred gift to you, A symbol of my Love, A sign that from this day forward and always, My Love will surround you, With this ring I thee wed."

Once you finish the minister happily states,
"You are now husband and wife, allow me to present Mr. and Mrs. Holland! You may kiss the bride."

You look at each other for a second before passionately locking lips, tom tips you so your back bends in typical over the top "end of the ceremony kiss" style then you separate and walk done the isle together, walking towards the rest of your life together, as a family.

** OMG IM SO SORRY FOR THE SUPER LONG WAIT FOR (maybe ;) ) THE LAST CHAPTER!! I hope you all like it! It's the longest chapter I've written and I hope you love it, it was so much fun to write! Tell me if you think I should continue this book or not! And I'm going to start taking requests for imagines, books, and stuff so please dm me on Instagram, comment or pm me here!! Ilysm and thank you for 800+ reads! Okay bye for now aha!!:))))****

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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