Not my fault

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Chasing after tom into the room you see him, he's sitting at the very top corner of the cinema room,
"Tom!" You shout, he turns as if you weren't even there. Walking up to him you call out to him again,
"Tom?" He turns to face you, he's crying.
"Oh, tom" you say bringing him into a hug,
" I'm sorry you had to see that, I don't even know why he did that. I didn't even think Harrison would do that I'm so so sorry!"
Tom is still silent, still crying, and giving you puppy eyes. You live his eyes so much and it pains you to see his eyes full of tears.
" please say something tom" you say as tears start to fall down your cheek.
"Di... did you kiss back?" He asks choking back tears,
"What?! Of course not, I pushed him away and shouted at him! Why would I kiss him back you know I don't like him like that. I.... I love you tom... I have for a while and-"
Whilst finishing your sentence you are cut off by toms lips colliding with your own, now this, this is the kiss you were longing for.
Tom was about to open his mouth to say something when the doors to the cinema room open and Harrison walks in.
"YES! What else was I suppose to say you know I don't feel like that about you!!" You shout back as you stand up and stomp down to him.
"Obviously I didn't! And what do you mean 'how I feel about you'?!?" He says, still shouting but a little quieter to not make a scene.
"You are like my best friend or even my brother haz! I'm sorry I didn't make that more clear for you!" You say as tears start to flood your Cheeks.
"I'm sorry, it's all my fault.."
"You're right, it would all be better I-" Harrison was cut off by tom shouting
"NO HARRISON SHUT YOUR FACE" from the top of the cinema room. The room was silent, tom never shouts at Harrison so he knew that he had gone too far.
"Tom it's okay, he's ri-" cut off once again by tom, "he's on a roll" you think to yourself  as tom says,
"It's not her fault Harrison, it's not her fault you got jealous, it's not her fault. I for one am glad she came with us, she's made my life better which is a bit cheesy but it's true. She's so amazing, funny, beautiful and so much more.... and.... and I love her."
Both you and Harrison are shocked, you're blushing harder than you've ever blushing before and you could see the guilt practically oozing out of Harrison, tom eventually made his way down to us and Harrison started to speak.
"I'm really sorry Y/N, tom, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking... I knew how much tom liked you and I still kissed you. I can't express how sorry I am and I hope you can forgive me." Tears started to form in your eyes,
"Awe Harrison I forgive you, I could never stay mad at you. You're like my best friend, my brother, and I love you."
"Yeah it's okay haz, I forgive you too"
You make your way over to tom and once you make it to him you say flirtatiously
"Now Mr. Holland, what was it that you said to me?" He smiles at you and repeats,
"Well Miss. Y/L/N, I believe I said I love you" he says smiling.
"Well that's good because-" once again cut off by tom, but this time you were interrupted by his lips gently crashing into yours, after you share a kiss you say jokingly,
"You really need to work on your manners Mr. Holland..." he chuckles at your joke, you continue.
"...and I love you too." You lock lips once more before you hear Harrison say,
"You guys are cute and all but it's getting gross... and the fans are starting to show up so let's get a move on" you all burst out into laughter, you make it out into the foyer with tom and haz, happy that everything is back to normal again.

*HERES CHAPTER FIVE! Sorry about the lil hiatus aha and sorry if this isn't the best lol. Hope y'all like it and tell me if you want me to continue on with this book:)*

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