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In a very long porcelain gold table, dishes were served by uniformed maids in a single file, one by one placing the dishes and saying their conplicated French or Spanish names and what they are made of. Yet there were only 3 of us who will eat- -Mr. Dave, Softia, and a boy who seemed like he is in his rebel years (about 13 or so).

I did not actually care that the dishes were from Italy made by Gusto someone, the famous chef of American Idol or such, I just cared about when I will finally eat those! Derrn! I really have forgotten how rich people go about their meal. I mean, we used to have this but I always eat when it starts...but it was my house and now it' s not so I politely waited for the  "seremony" ended.

"Why are you here?" the 12 -year- old looking guy asks me.

" To tutor you." I said plainly while getting a spoonful of each dish.

"I don' t need you. Get out." he coldly told me.

"Hey! " scolds Mr. Dave.

But I am not easily swayed so..

"It' s okay Sir Dave. And No, dweeb. Absolutely not. I like the food here. I plan on eating here for... (*pretends to think)..uhhh, about a hundred times before I escape this household." I winked at him which earned sniggers from Softia and Mr. Dave and a glare from the twerp.

"I am so sorry for his behavior, Mia."

"It' s okay, Sir. I can handle it."

"Anyways, Aaron here needs to get a grade of 90  this incomming school year for him to pass the requirements for Stanford University for his high school. I' m going to let him  take high school there. And I heard that you are an incomming senior student with the top honors there, yes? "

"Yes sir."  I don' t like lying so I try my best to be frank about truths.

"For that, I believe that you are the best person for the job. Someone recommended you for it."

Thank you, Mr. Behind- the- counter- guy!

I nodded.

"I' m gonna pay you 500 per 15 days of your tutoring. Also, you are to get free meals and lodging in the palace. Free bills and the likes. Is that alright? "

I guess it' s not that low. I used to get lower than 1K when I was just starting to work full time in summers and that was without lodging and meals! .

"Yes sir." I nodded.

"Therefore you will get Php 1Million per month since you will receive Php 500 000 per 15 days."

"Wait, WHAT? ! 1M? ! isn' t that overpaying?"  O.O

"I don' t think so? is it? " He looked at Softia for confirmation. She gestured no. "Well then, it' s settled. 1M per month in 4 months. Are you ok with that? You' ll be working full- time in this house as a tutor."

"O- of- of- of- of course! Of course sir! Thank you sir!  Your highness. Your majesty." I bowed with every praises of names.

"Oh, dear no. I' m not the one to be thanked. Clarence will be the one to pay you."

"Oh? Where is Sir. Clarence? "

"He' s in a business trip in Taipei. He' ll be joining us next month."

"Really Dad? That jerk did not tell me! Can' t wait to see him! " Softia said with a suspicious sneer. Hmm, or am I just imagining things. Oh well!

After this, I' ll be an official millionare! BOOYA BABY!

I was scruffing down my food when Mr. Dave spoke again.

"Mia, dear? "

"Hmm? " Forcefully swallowing my food.

"Please call me Papa. I don' t like the sound of Sir or Mr. beside my name anyway." he said with a smile.

"O- okay, Papa." I looked down my food. I' m not used to using those words since my parents died 4 years ago. but somehow it all felt right saying PAPA to a guy I only met a few minutes ago. am I abnormal?

"Dad! SHE has to call you PAPA now? ! WHO IS SHE TO DO THAT? ! SHE' S JUST A FREAKIN' TUTOR! " Aaron said loudly.

"Aaron, calm down. You' re facing your food." Mr. Da- err, Papa said calmly.

"No! I will not allow that geek to be my tutor! ! NO! NOOO! " he broke into hysterical tantrums and the maids came rushing to his comfort.

Why does this kid hate me so much?  Please tell me! I' m not used to being hated! I' d prefer being pitied on than that, thank you very much.

"Uhmm, Aaron? " I said soothingly "I' ll just be your tutor okay? I' m not going to call your Daddy Papa, alright? Will that be more suitable for you? "

It' s not bad to compromise right? Maybe that' ll lighten things up a bit between us.

"NO." Mr. Dave /Papa said in an authoritative voice. "Aaron does not have a say in this."

If one  has meet Mr. Dave/Papa even for a day, one will think he' s  very soft yet here he is with that tone of voice.

Surprising, indeed.

Aaron immediately stopped, also shocked to have heard his father say those words. He stood up.

"I' m done." and went into his room.

"Kids." Mr. Dave/Papa said in an exhausted voice then smiled at me.

I guess my face was still really shocked because Softia said " Daddy, you scared her."

He just smiled in return and I smiled as well and continued eating. The scenario made me even hungrier.

They had smiles in their lips as they watched me eat like a pig.

Palace in the WoodsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon