Chapter 19

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"CAPTAIN!" Sarai yells.

I immediately grab my gun and she shuts the door. "Death is on the ship!"

"Oh shit he found us!" I panic.


"Death isn't that what you said?"

"Death as in a disease, that has swept the crew, ever since we wandered into a cloud or a mist of some sort."

"Shit. How many dead?"

"Wait death is a person?!"

"How many dead?" I ask again.

"I don't have those numbers yet. I brought masks, but please don't go out there without one. If you breath in that air you'll break out in boils and die."

I take a mask and go to my nephews. Both are safely in their room.

"What is it?" Xavier asks.

"Xavier you have blood around our mouth."

He wipes it away and then I wonder. I grab Xavier and throw him outside and then brings him back in. He is fine. He doesn't have any bumps or boils.

I do the same to Charles and see the same has happened.

"Why are you throwing us?"

"Well there is a disease sweeping the ship. It doesn't seem to effect you, both of your conditions seem to prevent illness."

"Cool." Charles smirks.

"Here's the thing. I need to go out there so you two will be watching my Junior."

"Double baby duty." Charles rolls his eyes.

"I'm not a baby!" Xavier pouts pushing him.

"You're both babies to me, now get to my room."

Once we all in my room Sarai left and Rich has a mask on. "They can't get sick?"

I shake my head then turn to the boys. "Alright rules. Xavier don't drink my brother's blood. Charles control your temper. Charles, is in charge so you must listen to him. Charles you can go get food for you and your brother, but other than that no one is leaving this room."

"Why is he in charge?" Xavier asks.

"Because he's older."


"So shut up and listen to me." Charles barks.

"Your temper Charles." I warn.

He sighs.

"Alright do not leave this room. I don't care if we get attacked and you hear me dying on the other side of the door. If you open that door and my brother gets sick it's going to be a world full of problems."

The boys nod.

I put my mask on and Rich and I leave the room. We are in a mist indeed. It is hard to see forward it's so thick.

Sarai gave out masks to as many people as she could but there are still many that she couldn't save. Death runs over on my deck.

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