Chapter 2

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A.N- Typing a text is hard. Colors don't transfer over to this, or I am just illiterate and can't do it on this site. I hope this works, but who knows at this point. Anyone find a better way to do this?


I had been in Chicago for two days and I still haven't gotten deep dish pizza. "Dad, I'm gonna get pizza, you want anything?" I say into his 'man cave' where he leaned over his desk looking at some papers.

"No, I ate a little bit ago. Bring leftovers though." He leans back into his chair and gives me a warm smile. I return it. Neither one of us enjoyed cooking, and leftovers was a gift from God. Especially the deep dish pizza kind of leftovers.

"Sure thing! Bye!" I walk out the apartment and down the stairwell. I don't care what dad said about the stairs being creepy and probably haunted, I needed some exercise. That and the elevator was sketchier than the stairwell sometimes.

I walk down the street that had slowly become very familiar. I had to keep getting the little things that I had forgotten to pack and left behind in my old apartment. Toothbrush, tampons, reading light, and I even forgot my straightner. Not that I needed it anytime soon, but it was still nice to have.

I pass the library and smile. I remember going to the library once I was better. My dad and I had lived in the outskirts of Chicago growing up in a small little suburb. When I left for college, he packed up and moved directly into the windy city. I didn't say anything about the situation, but I am glad he moved. He needs the noise, the busyness of city-life.

I walk into a little pizza parlor that both dad and I thought served the best pizza. I smile at the person at the counter.

"Medium deep dish meat lovers with jalapenos please," I order. The lady at the counter smiles and nods her head.

"Fifteen minutes sweetheart." She gives me a smile and walks into the back shouting my order. I move to sit on a chair near the counter when I notice an odd glow out of the corner of my eye. I look around the room to find the source.

I sit in the seat and notice the man beside me. Hot damn. He was lanky, tall, and had this gorgeous long blonde hair. He wore jeans and a hawaiian shirt. I though only dads could ever try to pull those off. I mentally shrug. It suited him though.He wasn't one of those drop dead gorgeous men, but definitely easy on the eyes.

That's when I notice the glow surrounding him. It was a soft grey light that surrounded him, like an aura. He catches my eye and smiles softly, and then looks curiously at me. Not quite at me though, but around me. He whispers, "Tamer?" I lift an eyebrow questionably at him. "Are you the tamer?" He tries to clarify

Tamer? Is that a real name? Or was it something else? "My name is Damien. Not tamer. I think you have the wrong chick."

"No, you glow. Do you see an aura around me," he leans forward and whispers to me. His hands wave in the air around himself, describing the faint glow I saw. This is a bit freaky.

I nod my head. "Yeah, it's a silvery glow. Like a cloud almost." This is not what I was expecting when I left for pizza.

He laughs a little at the comparison, "I am not surprised my little tamer. Come with me, I have quite a bit to explain to you." His laugh reminded me of a soft winter's breeze.

He makes to stand up, but I pull him back down. "I just ordered pizza. You can explain here."

"Deep dish?"

"Deep dish." I nod. It was just common knowledge that you don't walk out on ordering deep dish pizza, especially from Chicago.

"I can wait for deep dish. I should probably start off with my name is Ciro. Means air. Which will make sense later." He gives me a slight smirk, as if he knew something I didn't. To be fair, he probably knew more about the situation than I did. I roll my eyes.

"Well you know my name. I'm good with kids and want to be a nurse at the children's hospital." I give a soft smile at the thought.

"I don't have a job. I am," he huffs and waves his hands despairingly, "I can't say it in public. Is that yours?" He points to the lady, who was indeed holding my pizza. I nod, reaching for my purse to pay. He pushes my hand aside and stands. "Let me pay, your troubles are about to multiply tenfold." He pulls out a wallet and grabs the pizza.

"I thought you said you didn't have a job." Great. I just met a thief, and I am stuck with him and this stupid glowy thing.

"I don't, not exactly. I will explain later. I'm not a thief. Promise." He tries to smile reassuringly, but it doesn't exactly soothe my nerves.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he leads out the door and in the opposite direction from my house.

"Somewhere private. My place. I'm assuming you have nothing to do?" He looks at me and smirks slightly.

"That's highly rude you know!" I stop suddenly. "Besides, I just met you, who says I want to go to your place? I'm not a call girl you know!" I give him a glare. So maybe I wouldn't mind a bit of netflix and chill. The dude was hot! I wasn't gonna randomly follow him home, though.

"This," he leans down into my personal space, and kisses me. It tastes like a summer breeze. His hand not holding the pizza pulls my waist closer to his. I feel a soft swoosh of air around me. I pull back and smile. Then I notice we weren't on the streets anymore, but in a little cabin. We aren't in Chicago anymore, Dame.

"Just because that may have been the sweetest kiss of my life doesn't mean that I like any of this. Where the hell are we?" I resist the urge to stop my foot as he let go of me. He puts the pizza on a counter.

"My residence. Well, not really mine, but the actual owner is in Brazil or something and won't be coming back until they stop cutting trees down." He sets the pizza down on the counter.

"So we are sitting in some strange man's cabin?" I'm literally in some random guy's cabin, with a man I just met. Maybe I am a call girl. It is night though... The cabin is very down to earth. I look around and notice a ton of plants. Seemed like a nature freak's place.

"You could say that, but it's actually my brothers." He shrugs nonchalantly. Who the actual fuck am I dealing with. He opens the box of my, or his since he technically paid for it, pizza. He plops down onto a brown couch and pats the spot next to him. He grabs a remote and flicks on the TV.

"What? How is any of this even possible?" I look around, more confused than ever.

"Sit, I have a bit to explain to you." No shit. I cautiously sit down, throw my purse to the side, and grab a slice of pizza. He slides his arm around my waist. I glare at him. "What? You seemed to like it when I did it earlier." I roll my eyes; he doesn't remove his arm. Truth be told, I was craving the touch of someone else, and he was willing to give. It's been so long since I have been in some type of relationship; I've been swarmed with college. Maybe dad was right. I really do need to get out more.

I pull my phone out of my purse and send a text to my dad, foreseeing that this would take most of the night: 

<dame>At a friend's, catching up. Probably will spend the night. See you tomorrow!

Ciro? looks over my shoulder with his warm grey eyes. "Spending the night already? That's a bit fast, but I'm cool with it."

"Oh, piss off. Nothing will happen. I just figured I don't want to go home at 3 am. So start explaining." I cross my arms and wait for him to explain.

"Right down to business are we? I like a girl who knows what she wants." He gives me a suggestive wink. I roll my eyes so hard I am afraid of them rolling out.

"I swear to all things holy if you don't start soon I will call the cops and report a kidnapping." I resist the urge to slap him.

"Fine. Fine. Fine." He shrugs. His pale blonde hair falls in front of his face, and he ties it back with a hair tie. God, why does this man have such pretty hair?

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