Chapter 5

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A.N- Okay, here is where things get a tad weird. Sorry, kinda. I will probably try and post within the first week of the month, but who knows. See the first chapter for an update. Hopefully this won't be re-edited but I'm super picky about things like that. Thanks for the views!


I wake up to a warmth that I'm not used to. I look over and notice Ciro curled up next to me. I smile faintly, and suddenly the memories of last night hit me. What did I do?

I can't deny the fact that it was very enjoyable. However, it just didn't feel right. It was quick, awkward, and there wasn't any passion behind it, just lust. I felt appreciated, but not necessarily in the right ways. I don't regret it though, he was such a sweet man. I could only hope he feels the same.

I sit up and rub my head. There were too many emotions and thoughts floating around in my head right now for such an early hour. I look at the bedside clock, 8:26. I groan. I should probably go home eventually.

"Little tamer, why must you move so early?" Ciro grumbles beside me. His husky morning voice surrounded me like a blanket.

"It honestly isn't that early. I really need to get home, however." I stand up and realize I was clad in only his tee shirt. I scramble to find my discarded clothing.

"Ah, right. Responsibilities of the little humans. At least let me take you to coffee and a muffin first." He sits up, bare chested. I look away, not staring at the beautiful man's chest. I put on my clothes, slightly rumpled from laying on the floor all night.

"Fine. I need the caffeine boost. Put some clothes on first." I sit on the edge of the bed as he finds something to wear during the day.

"That is definitely not what you were telling me last night." He chuckles and winks at me.

I roll my eyes. "Now that it is sunshine, and I can see properly, you really do need to wear some clothes," I bite back.

"Wow, such bite you have little tamer. Real talk though, how are you feeling after last night. Are you okay?" He looks at me with concern in his eyes.

"I will be, once I take my pill. Also, can we talk about our emotions and last night?" He nods his head and waits for me to continue. "I really enjoyed last night. Truly I did. It felt a little weird though. We poured our hearts to each other, and it felt, wrong almost. I feel as if it was just a one time thing. Two people who needed affection, having sex. Almost as if there wasn't any true meaning behind it.

"Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it. I just don't think that I want to do it again. You deserve to love someone who appreciates you for who you are, without the awkwardness of it all. Maybe it's because it is all a little much for me to take in. Maybe it is because we just met yesterday. Maybe it's even because we bonded last night over my childhood and pizza. I just don't think it felt right." I look down at my feet and play with the blanket on the bed. I really hope he doesn't see me as the bad guy here, but sex sometimes is just sex. I'm not looking for that. I need something I don't think either one of us can give.

"Damien, thank you for being honest. I honestly kind of agree with you. Sex was great. Mind numbingly great. It did feel a little weird, and awkward. Not only because it was our first time together, but because of everything else. You deserve to recuperate. To find yourself. I didn't give you that, and I apologize for that. I just hope we can still be honest with each other," he gives me a soft smile.

I look up at him and feel my heart surge with emotion. "Yes. Of course we can still be honest and true. Just nothing intimate. It would be too weird." I stand up and give him a hug. "Besides, you have to finish watching the Harry Potter series."

He groans softly. I smile back. "Fine, little tamer. Let's go get coffee and breakfast first. Chicago it is."

I walk to the living room and put on my shoes and grab my purse. I throw my hair into a ponytail. I really need a shower. I take one of my birth control pills. I took them to help my period flow, but they did come in handy in times like this.

Ciro walks up behind me and gives me a hug. "I know you said nothing intimate, but you smell like me and the summer breeze, and it's irresistible."

I look up and smile and all of a sudden we are in front of a cute little cafe called Mara's. I give a soft glare. "You need to stop doing that. Don't say things like that, it almost makes me think you want me." I give him a soft glare and walk into the cafe. I hear a faint chuckle behind me. This had been a strange 24 hours for sure.


Post A.N- gah, this one is short. Sorry. I will try and make chapters over 1k, this one missed the mark. I think? most of my chapters are over 1k at least. There are a few short ones in the mix. *shrugs* See ya next time! 

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