Chapter 6

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A.N.-  Woah, two updates within a week? What is this? (It's me knowing I won't have time to post this weekend.) I have so much written, so looking back so far is so weird. This chapter and the next one or two are kinda just fillers. More dynamics, and some more character build up. I hope you like! Leave a comment, or even a vote, to let me know you enjoy it!


After a light breakfast, and good coffee, I leave Ciro. I needed to get home and shower. He needed to contact his brother. "I will contact you once I find his exact location."

"How are you going to do that?" I cross my arms and smirk.

"Good point. Give me your cell," he puts his hand out.

"I am pretty sure there should be more tact with that statement," I hand him my phone.

"Oh well, after last night? I don't think tact is needed." He smiles and puts in his number. I look at the contact name and groan.

"Summer Breeze? Really?" It only brought up the embarrassment of my sweet words to him last night.

"I thought it was rather cute that you called me the summer breeze." He smiles. "Send me a text, so I have your number."

I do so. 

<dame> put me in as anything stupid and I will tell your brothers how small your dick is.

 He laughs aloud at my text. "You and I both know I am well endorsed, little tamer. However, my brothers do know. I actually am number two, Kai being the biggest."

"Stop there. Why do I need to know this?" I whine.

"You asked for it. Oh, and your name is little tamer. I'll play nice for the time being," He smirks. "Catch you later!" He waves before I can insult him further. Why do they compare dick sizes? Are they into that stuff? I shiver at the thought.


I walk into the apartment, "I'm home dad!"

"Leftovers I assume aren't a thing," he says looking at me. I shrug. Ciro was a guy, and everyone knows that a guy built like him can probably eat his weight in pizza.

"I was with a friend. We watched movies. There wasn't any left. Pizza tonight?" Even though I literally just ate pizza yesterday, I couldn't get enough of it. Considering my current run with hot men and pizza, I like my chances.

"How about I take you to Italian?" He smiles at me in a fond way that I knew there must be something making him so happy.

"What has gotten you in such a mood?" I smile, never turning the opportunity down for alfredo. Especially if dad was paying for it.

"Just that this deal I finally finalized is seriously going to help. I can get new equipment. The pets we can save will increase so much." His eyes sparkle and I run into his arms. The deal he was talking about would allow him to do more surgeries on pets. As the owner of a small vet place, this was a big move for him.

"Congratulations dad!" I look up at him and give him a big smile. "A celebratory dinner is definitely in order."

"I agree. I should be done by 5. Dinner at 6?" He breaks the embrace and heads upstairs as I agree. I just wanted to shower and nap.


The clock chimes 5 pm as I get out of the shower. I hear a faint buzzing sound coming from my phone. I look at the message.

<Summer Breeze> Hey little tamer. I found Dyzek. In the Amazon as suspected. Probably won't return unless someone drags him back. You up for a challenge?

I smile at the text and quickly dry off.

<dame> Can't tonight. Have dinner with my dad. Maybe tomorrow?

I was in the process of drying my hair when I hear a familiar buzz.

<Summer Breeze> Standing me up already? I'm heartbroken. </3

Immediately another text shows up before I can give a snarky response.

<Summer Breeze> I'm kidding, partly. Tomorrow works. Leftovers for me tonight, enjoy the time with your dad.

I smile and send a quick acknowledgement back. By the time my hair is dried and I am dressed, dad is knocking on my bedroom door. "Come in dad."

He walks in and smiles. He notices my phone light go off. Probably a text from Ciro. Brat. "Who ya texting, sweetie?" He leans down to snatch my phone. I reach for it, but am too slow. "Summer breeze? Is this a man I need to meet?" He cocks an eyebrow at me. I feel myself flush.

"Absolutely not. He is a brat and knows it." I glare at the phone as I watch the light flicker letting me know I have a text.

"I think I do need to meet this 'summer breeze' if he makes my daughter blush at just the mentioning of his name. Invite him for dinner. He obviously isn't busy if he's texting you." Dad gives me a knowing look. If only he knew how true his words were.

"Ugh, fine. Don't say I didn't warn you though. He's an interesting character." I shoot a quick text to Ciro after glaring at his message.

<Summer Breeze> I am going to be so lonely tonight );

<dame> Bite me pretty boy. Dad saw that you were texting me. You've been officially invited to dinner, not by my request however.

"There, done. Message sent." I grumble as dad smiles.

"Tell Mr. Summer Breeze that we will meet him at Carmine's at 6, I have a reservation for 2. I am sure they can make it for 3 though. It's a cute little place that you might like. " He smiles and walks out my door.

<Summer Breeze> When and where sweetheart?

<dame> 6 at Carmine's. Should be good. Don't be a douche please. I know it will be hard... but please do try.

I smirk at the text and walk down the stairs. Dad grabs his keys and I grab my purse. Female clothes really need more pockets. Dad and I leave a half hour early, taking the option of walking. Rush hour is an absolute beast at this time.  

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