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Percy's POV:

"My lords," Will said, "I'm afraid we have a problem."

The man who had smiled at me before was now sitting straight up, his concern showing on his face, though I'm not sure why.

"What is it now?" Said the god directly in front of us.

Annabeth looked back at me for a moment before answering. "When Dionysus entered Percy's mind..."

"Yes?!" Asked the familiar god. I now realized that he was familiar because he looked a lot like me.

"Well, he did something..." Annabeth continued. "And now, well, Percy barley remembers his own name."

A few of the gods tensed, and the group behind me began whispering to each other.

I looked back at their shocked faces, then turned back to the gods when I heard my name being called.

"Percy?" The dark haired man asked. "Is it true? You don't remember who I am?"

I looked at him for a moment, trying to scrape together any knowledge of the gods to figure out witch one he was. "I-I'm sorry. I have no idea." I replied.

The god seemed grief-stricken, though I'm not sure why I would matter to some god. But then the god's grief turned to anger.

"Dionysus!" He roared in pure fury.

A - let's say, colorful - god flinched as though he'd been struck. I guess that's Dionysus.

"Poseidon calm down!" Said a beautiful women with the same calculating Grey eyes as Annabeth.

"Stay out of this Athena!" Poseidon roared. "He erased my son's mind!"

"Son?" I asked, and that stopped him. He turned to me, with a sad, almost broken expression.

Annabeth turned to me, and placed a hand gently on my shoulder. "Yeah. He's your father, Percy. And Athena is my mother. We're half-bloods."

I looked back at Poseidon. If i saw him on the street, (and he was my size, not a giant) I would probably walk right past him and never even know it.

"Who did you say my mother was again?" I asked.

A tear slid down her cheek. "S-Sally. Sally Jackson."

I instinctively reached up and wiped the tear away, before realizing I may have offended her. "Sorry." I said, quickly pulling away.

"It's okay." She assured me.

"Awwww!" I turned towards the noise and saw the most beautiful woman I had ever met. Even without my memories, I could tell it was her. She had stunning blonde hair, no, it was brown. Wait, was it straight or curled? And what color were her eyes. It was as though they were ever changing. And somehow all of this was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen.

Then she spoke, and I stopped worrying about what she looked like. All that mattered about it was that she was that she was beautiful. She was the very definition of the word.

"Even when he doesn't remember their love, it's still there! You're so cute!"

"W-Who..." I asked Annabeth, not taking my eyes off the goddess.

Before she could answer, the lady got up, and strode over to me, shrinking to our size as she went.

"I am Aphrodite, dear, and we've met before. I gave you fantastic love advice, and you were just so sweet!" As she got closer, I noticed her sent. Her perfume was indescribable-rose, or mountain laurel. Something good. The air around her shimmered pink, and I found myself smiling a little dreamily as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Aphrodite.." Poseidon said, his tone seemed like a warning, though I don't see what was so threatening about her.

Annabeth seemed tense too, but the guys behind me were pretty relaxed around her, even if the girls weren't.

She ignored them and addressed me. "Oh, I just can't wait to see what happens! How love will prevail! It always does, you know. You two are so cute together, I think I'm going to cry."
"Oh, don't do that.." I said.

She placed a hand on my cheek. "Oh, I wish all my daughters could break the heart of someone as sweet as you!"


Aphrodite smiled and made her way back to her throne. Only then did I realize, she was trying to hold in her inner fangirl.

When she was all the way back to her throne, the blissful haze I'd been in was gone, and I could finally think straight again.

Zeus turned to Dionysus. "Can you help him?" He asked.

Dionysus came down to me, and looked me over. A million thoughts raced through my head.

If this was the guy who did this to me in the first place, why are we trusting him? Can he even help me at all? What happens if he can't? What if no one can? What if-

After a moment, he placed his palm on my forehand and all my thoughts stopped. My mind was completely blank. I didn't worry about what would happen, I didn't try to remember my past. I just stood there watching as he closed his eyes.

Annabeth's POV:

For a long moment, no one spoke. And when Dionysus placed his palm on Percy's forehead, I got a little nervous. He was just staring now. Just, blank. Like he wasn't even thinking.

"Percy?" I asked. No answer.

"Percy?" I tried again. Nothing.

Dionysus was just standing there with his eyes closed.

I was beyond worried now, but I also knew that I had to try to trust that Dionysus had this under control. Finally, he reopened his eyes, and turned to address Zeus.

"I'm not sure if I can fix his mind or not. But I will try."

Percy still wasn't moving, and didn't so much as blink when I snapped my fingers under his nose.

"What did you do to him now?" I asked, a little panicked.

"Oh, relax." Dionysus assured me. "I just couldn't enter his mind to see the damage with him constantly worrying and distracting me so I helped him relax. He can't think right now."

"Well let him think then!" I exclaimed. This was all so bizarre. This was the second time Percy had lost his memories. It can't be happening again.

Dionysus rolled his eyes. "It's not like I had to try that hard to stop him from thinking anyways." He said, then waved a hand in Percy's face. Percy then blinked like he was waking up from a deep sleep, and looked around, a little confused.

"What just happened?"

Double Life - Sequel to The Other SideWhere stories live. Discover now