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Third Person's POV:

The large group of monsters gathered quietly, waiting for the meeting to begin.

It was a rare thing for monsters such as these to gather in such an ordered, controlled fashion, but this was important. Their Lord had fallen. Their master needed to rise again. And they would all be rewarded for being such loyal subjects.

A young Empousa stepped forward confidently. "You all know why we're here." She hissed. "Our master has fallen. We must find a way to free him of his cage, and give him the power to rise above the gods once again. Then we will all be free of our suffering. Free from being hunted since our births."

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Asked a nearby giantess. "He's in the farthest depths of Tartarus. Even farther than Kronos! There's no way to get him back! Not now."

The Empousa, Naomi, was her name, glared menacingly at the giantess. "Do you honestly think," she spat, "that I would gather all of you hear without a plan?" When no one answered, she continued. "No, I wouldn't. Now, I know I am a loyal subject, but there seems to be much doubt amongst us. So, those of you who aren't loyal, get out now and I might let you live. The rest of you, listen up. This might get complicated."

A few monsters near the back of the group made their way out, but other than that, no one moved.

"Good." Naomi continued. "As I was saying, things have gotten much simpler. Especially now that Percy Jackson has lost his memories..."

~Time Skip - The Next Morning~

Jason's POV:

I decided to check in on Percy, since he was alone with no memories all night. He could've been scared or something.

Even though it was hard to imagine Percy being scared of anything, I knew I had to keep reminding myself that this wasn't the same Percy. He hasn't been through two wars. He hasn't been possessed. He hasn't gone on any quests.

He's innocent.

Then I walked into his cabin and all thoughts of him being 'innocent' disappeared.

There he was, walking out of the bathroom, as though nothing was wrong, and then there was Piper, sound asleep on one of the bunks.

I turned to Percy. "What is she doing here?!" This ended up waking Piper.

"Jason?" She asked sleepily.

"Wow," Percy said. "Calm down man, nothing happened!"

"What are you doing, sleeping here?!" I asked Piper.

"Jason, relax, Percy just didn't want to be alone so I spent the night!" Piper yelled, clearly getting angry.

"Why wouldn't he want to be alone?" I asked, calming down slightly, but still on edge.

"It's none of your business." Piper said. "If he wants to tell you, he can tell you, but he's going through a lot right now, Grace, so cut him some slack, and stop assuming everything in the worst way possible!"

With that, she stormed out of the cabin, leaving Percy and I to stare awkwardly at the door. After a minute, I broke the silence.

"Sorry." I  said.

"Why were you so mad?" Percy asked.

I sighed. "Yeah, I guess you don't even know do you?" I asked with a small, sad laugh. "Pipes is my girlfriend. Has been for a while now, and I guess...I don't know, I guess I just got jealous, seeing her in here with you. I know she wouldn't do anything, but still..."

"Yeah," Percy said. "I guess I understand."

I nodded and sighed. "She's going to kill me for that later though."

"Yeah," Percy said. "Probably."

"You want some breakfast? They're serving it now at the dining pavilion."

Percy nodded. "Yeah, man, I'm starving!"

I laughed and explained the rules and about burning the food to him on the way. "But," I said. "Chiron said that because of your current... situation, you are allowed to sit with Will and Nico if you want."

"Yeah," he said. "I think I'd like that."

I nodded. "Okay then. They're at the Apollo table."

"Why are they both there?" Percy asked. "I though Nico's father was Hades."

"Yeah, Will is Nico's Doctor too, and since they're dating, Will's kinda given Nico an excuse to sit with him."

"Will and Nico are dating?" Percy asked.

I laughed at this. "Yeah. They have been since..." I slowed, realizing Annabeth didn't want to overload Percy with bad info. "Well, for a while now."

Percy nodded as we reached the dining pavilion. I showed Percy were the Apollo table and watched as he went to meet Nico and Will. Then, I noticed Piper glaring at me.

Oh boy.

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