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Annabeth's POV:

I was almost to my cabin when I stopped.

What am I even doing?

It's over. We lost.

What's the point? There's just going to be another war. More torchere. More fighting the gods' battles for them and getting nothing in return.

I sighed.

I'm tired.

Can't this just be over and done with?

Making up my mind, I switched directions and headed into the forest.

I had to hurry, I'd only get one chance.

Piper's POV:

After the meeting at the Big House, I was worried about Annabeth, and decided to follow her to her cabin. At least, that's where it looked like she was heading, until she stopped suddenly and went the opposite direction and towards the forest.

What is she doing? I wondered silently as I crept through the forest, careful not to be seen.

Soon, I realized that the terrain was gradually sloping upwards. I wasn't very familiar with the area, as nobody really ventured through this part of the woods, not even during capture the flag.

Finally, Annabeth stopped by the edge of a small cliff. It wasn't very high at all, and if she fell, she'd probably only break a bone or two, but it still worried me when she sat on the edge.

What is going on?

Naomi's POV:

It was time.

Tonight, our plan would finally be complete. Tonight, Ouranos will rise again, and this time, nothing and no one will be able to stop him!

We only need one thing...

I looked out the front door to see the four demigods behind dragged into our base. Two of them were unconscious, or maybe dead, I didn't care enough to check. One was far too young to be a real threat, and the other was Jason Grace. The son of Jupiter.

I have to admit, Jason was struggling quite a bit. That could be a problem...

Medea stepped up beside me, hatred shining in her eyes as she saw the blond demigod. I watched as she walked up to the boy, who was struggling now, harder than ever to get away, and whispered in his ear.

Jason's body relaxed and went limp in the cyclops' arms. This, to my glee, worked to terrify the younger demigod.

"Lock them up." I ordered. "They're perfect for tonight."

Annabeth's POV:

I stared out at the beautiful view.

Sometimes I came here to think. To just be alone with my thoughts.

I looked down to the object in my hands.

Was I really going to do this?

Why not? A voice whispered in my mind. You know you're never going to see him again. So what's the point? There's just going to be more fighting. More wars. But you can end it all. It'll be quick enough. Then you'll see Percy again.


Yes, this is it. I raised the knife, when suddenly I heard another voice.



Piper's POV:

"Annabeth?!" Oh gods! "No!"

I rushed over, careful not to fall over the edge, and grabbed the knife from her. It took me a minute to process what had just happened, and I realized Annabeth was crying.

I quickly sat on the edge with her and hugged her.

For a long minute, neither of us spoke. I just held her tightly as she cried into my shoulder.

As her crying slowed, and gently asked, "Why?" It was barely a whisper, but that's all it needed to be. All it should be.

"I...I don't..." she stuttered.

That's when I realized it. She was just as scared as I'd been when I saw the knife.

I rubbed her back gently. "Shhh. It's okay." I whispered. "You're going to be okay."

"I'm sorry." She said, voice trembling with grief.

"It's okay. You're okay."

"I'm sorry." She repeated. She said it again and again through her tears, shaking in my arms as I rubbed circles in her back.

"Shhh." I said again. "You don't have to be sorry. Just be okay."

And with that, my voice failed me, and the tears I'd been holding back fell, and we both sat there for who knows how long, holding each other. Comforting each other.

Finally, We wiped the tears from our faces, and I turned to Annabeth.

"Why?" I asked.

She sighed. "It's just....nothing. But everything. I'm so alone."

"What do you mean? You have us. Me, Jason, Hazel, Leo, Frank, Perc-"

"I don't have Percy." She said. "He's probably dead. If he's not dead then he's brainwashed. And every time I try to go to one of you for help, something else happens. We get distracted, something turns up... you all have your own problems to deal with."

"That doesn't mean we don't care." I told her. "Because we do. We all love you Annabeth. And Percy...well, I understand that it seems hopeless, but we've beat the odds before. We can't just give up. We haven't before."

"It's different now."


Annabeth paused. She looked out at the forest, and for the first time I realized just how exhausted she looked. I really studied her face, her eyes.

That's when I saw it.


"What?" She asked, looking back at me.

"We need to get to Chiron. Right now."

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