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"They've caught her. We can't fool them no more! They're catching up to us, they'll find out where my true loyalties lie and we'll all be damned!"

"Silence! Do not doubt my power! We'll stay low for awhile, cease our advances for a time, and let nature take its course. We'll give them their peace, for now. And we'll strike once the babe is born."

"You're basing this all in an infant? You're putting our lives on the line for a babe that doesn't even exist!"

"It will! And till then, you shan't have any communication with me. But do send a white raven when news of her carrying a child is confirmed. Do you understand?"

"This is insane! Manic!"

"Madness is all we have now, my friend."


                    Xerxes sat himself on a cushioned seat, placing his little love on his lap as both her legs straddled his hips

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                    Xerxes sat himself on a cushioned seat, placing his little love on his lap as both her legs straddled his hips. He could see in her eyes the askance of everything, but most of all he could detect how scared she was, and he had no one to blame it on but himself. He was guilty of disregarding her for the past dreadful days, but he was reluctantly doing so, though, it was still not an excuse. It was a hard battle between him and his beast. But when Damian had requested his private audience and brought him the skeleton that wore a tattered Galyrian sorcerer's garb with the pin of his place in his castle, the sole healer of his kingdom, Xerxes listened to the lycan's words with an alert ear.

The lycan, though annoying at times, has proven himself useful.

"My poor, sweet Dela," he cooed and pressed a soft kiss in between her brows, "how lonely and confused you must be."

"X-Xerxes I- what h-happened?" She asked and looked behind her to only see no one with them anymore, having left without her knowledge. "The h-healer, he- I mean, she was-"

Beast King | 18+Where stories live. Discover now