Why was he there?

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So I decided to do this chapter through Corey's POV. It's starting from asking what time he should be over.


I jump when my phone buzzes with a text message from Brooklyn asking if I'm doing anything tonight. I respond saying no and asking what happened earlier and if she was okay. She says that she's fine and that she needs a tutor. I'm so shocked that she would choose me to be her tutor.  I respond by asking what time I should be over and she says between 5 and 6. I decide that I'll go at 6 so that way I have a little more time to get some stuff for tonight. Only I don't know what to bring. 

I look at the time and sigh when I see that it's only 3:15. I decide to go home and do my homework so I can focus on helping Brooklyn with her work. I finish within an hour and then can't decide what to do so I go to the store and try to find some snacks to have while studying. I grab mini Twix and some Arizonas. I pay and go home to try to figure out a song to duet with Brooklyn. 

After I find a song that I think we could do, I decide to freshen up. I take a shower using my ocean scented shampoo and wash my hair and think about how excited I am for tonight. I get out and shave, I brush my teeth 3 times and put my favorite cologne on. It's 5:25 and I decide to start to head over there because I can't wait anymore. I grab the snacks and get in my car. When I get in I make my bluetooth call Brooklyn so she knows I'm on my way. 

She answers in a voice that immediately makes me smile.

"Hey Partner In Crime!" she says. I can hear the smile.

" Hey, Brooklyn. I'm gonna say that I'm on my way and I'm  bringing math, physics, and economics textbooks.Oh! One question: what do I call your mom and dad?" 

It takes her a while to answer so being the drama queen I am, I start to panic a little bit. I call her name to make sure that she's still there. I hear her sigh and then she responds.

"They actually won't be here. And I ordered pizza. I feel like I'll be okay in economics so you don't have to bring that one. How long is the tutoring session gonna be?"

"I don't know how long do you want it to last?" I don't think she heard me because I hear something that makes me really unhappy. I thought I heard a kiss. I figure she isn't gonna answer so I hang up. I am getting really mad the more I think about it. I start to speed over to her house.

When I pull up, there's another car and I see Trevor. The guy that Brooklyn goes ga-ga over. I see her at the door so involved in watching him that she doesn't notice that I got out of the car and am storming over to her furious. She closes the door and I walk up faster. I ring the doorbell so she knows I'm here. 

She comes to the door in less than 20 seconds. She looks like a deer caught in headlights. 

"Brooklyn? Why was that guy here with you when your parents weren't home?" I say through clenched teeth. 

I hope she has a good explanation.


I'm sorry it's a little shorter. I'm having a writer's block at the moment so I was trying to get back in the flow of things. Hope you guys enjoyed!!

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