An Angel Will Die

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After Corey helps me clean up my cut on my forehead, we sit down and try to find a song to sing together for our first assignment. We have totally different tastes in music and we kept suggesting songs to each other and then immediately cross them off our list when they got shot down.

Finally we stumped each other with each other's music taste and decided to take a break. I plop onto my bed and sigh in comfort from the softness of my blankets against the skin of my hands. I close my eyes and I hear Corey get off the floor and grab his phone out of his backpack. 

Confused, but too comfortable to move I don't question what he's doing. That is until I heard music to play through my iHome speaker.I look towards the speaker to see what he's doing, and I smile once I see his face. His face is calm with a small smile on his face, eyes closed and he just looks so at peace. I can't remember the last time I was that calm. Ever since that day, I've always been on my toes prepared for anything that came my way. 

Corey opens his eyes to look at me. I look away embarrased for staring, but mostly because I was caught. 

"Have you ever heard this song?" He asks while still looking at me. I shake my head no. He continues, "It's one of Ed Sheeran's first songs. The lyrics have so much meaning behind them and they really can be quite calming. I think it might be my favorite song in existence. Just lay back down and close your eyes and listen to the lyrics." He kicks his shoes off and gets on my floor and lays back until he is laying down on the ground. 

I smile that he is so comfortable in my room after only knowing me for a few days. I wish I was that comfortable at a friend's house. But let's be honest. I can't let my guard down around my friends. They'd try to fuck with me. They have in the past and man it fucked with me for a few days. That drug was a real bitch to deal with. 

After shaking the thoughts away, I lay back down and close my eyes. I realize that Corey had the remote the whole time just waiting for me to lay down so I can hear the whole song. I lay down and give Corey a thumbs up so he knows I'm ready. 

(Start song now)

The music starts to play and it starts with a easy guitar strumming.

White lips,pale face, breathing in snowflakes

burnt lungs, sour taste

Lights gone, day's end, struggling to pay rent

long nights, strange men

I start to feel my body relax to the music of the song and I feel myself getting lost to the music. 

And they say 

She's in the Class A Team 

stuck in her daydream

Been this way sine eighteen 

but lately her face seems

slowly sinking, wasting

crumbling like pastries

and they scream

The worst things in life come free to us

I start to get confused by the lyrics because I expected this song to be a happy song but the lyrics sound like they mean sadness.

'Cause we're just under the upper hand

and go mad for a couple grams

and she don't wanna go outside tonight

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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