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Joshua would sigh, watching Marlene raid the fridge for the fifth time today.

"Shouldn't you go looking for your homecoming dress?"

"I already found it!"

Marlene would say between a mouthful of rice and curry, seated on the living room sofa as Kyle and Peter sat on the floor, playing Mario Kart.


Alessa would sigh, emerging from her room with violin in hand, tired. "You know Christina goes out to buy us food three times a week, right? Just slow down on the food intake, alright? You're not the only one who needs food in this place..."

Joshua sees Alessa stressing out. She had to bake three batches of sugar cookies and a chocolate cake to keep Marlene away from the fridge—and they all knew Marlene was a glutton and would eat anything even if it was poorly made or if it was take-out.

Her love for food probably transcended her will to live, by the looks of it.

"If it's food, it's food, and I'll eat anything! Well, except trash, that's not food."

Marlene grumbles, grabbing a cupcake from her hoard of food and Sagittarius, who would come from having a nice day out at a museum on her own, jumps onto her lap and had this innocent look on her face.

"Please stop eating so much?"

Sagittarius sighs, watching Marlene devour more food and acting as if her life depended on it—and Marlene could tell it annoyed her like the rest of them.

The living room was vacated with the exception of Peter and Joshua who were arguing yet again, unaware that they were on the couch and talking to each other.

"But food is addicting, Sagi. Like it's so gooooood~"

Marlene pouts and wipes some frosting off the corner of her mouth, Sagittarius looking unimpressed at first before there was a coy look on her face as she leans forward and nuzzles against Marlene's neck.

"Not as good as me though. Pretty please?"

She was pouting cutely

As Sagittarius leans in to give Marlene a smooch, Joshua and Peter stopped fighting once they took notice of the two on the sofa. Their faces were a bright red and they awkwardly left the room, barging into Alessa's room where she and Kyle were playing video games.

"You guys okay?"

Kyle blinks once noticing how embarrassed the boys looked as they sat with them on the floor.

"Sagi is trying to convince Mar not to eat our food supply by acting all cute and everything, and even was gonna kiss her before we interrupted."

Joshua says, face hidden by his hands as Alessa turns away from her laptop to watch them.

"Sagi was bound to stop her at this point. She's had enough of her food getting stolen everyday."

She shrugs and Joshua sighs, crossing his fingers as he hopes Sagittarius would convince Marlene to stop draining their fridge dry of food Christina buys for them.

C I N D E R ― An MCU Spinoff.Where stories live. Discover now