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Day one of trying not to explode.

Kyle thought over breakfast as they were all gathered at the table on Monday morning. Their camping trip was postponed till the weekend as Christina wanted them to keep up with their studies and not get distracted by sudden freedom.

Peter had gone back to Aunt May's apartment as he and Christina agreed that on the weekdays, he'll be with Aunt May and on the weekends, he'll be at the CINDER apartment (which is why the camping trip was postponed).

And Christina had left to go back to her apartment and to prepare for her student-teacher duties, leaving the teens to wake up and get ready.

And Kyle noticed the very strange habits of each of the gang; Joshua constantly becoming aggressive if someone tried to steal some of his food, Marlene becoming too hyped up and playful if given too much sugary treats and losing control of her powers, Alessa constantly keeping away from the group because she prefers to be alone when eating meals/reading or whatever and Sagittarius propping her feet up on any surface nearby and scrolling through her phone AND practicing using her powers.

He had to get used to this.

After eating breakfast, finishing off any extra work for school and tidying up the place, they started to make their way to school.

"So it's the usual? We don't talk to each other in school and keep away from each other?"

Sagittarius would ask as they merged into the crowd of students flocking to Midtown High, the chatter somehow keeping their conversation from being overheard.

"No, we can hang out... We just have to gradually start to. If you get my drift."

Joshua starts, hoping the others were listening to what he was saying. And since Peter wasn't there, he had to explain what they needed to do whenever they met up.

"And how exactly are we gonna do that, Joshua?" Kyle asked, making his way to his locker and organising the stuff he needed for the day, actually planning to go to class for once.

Joshua just stood there, expression blank as Alessa would poke him, brows raised.

"I have no idea."

And cue the gang groaning before they head their seperate ways, trying to give off the impression that they didn't know each other.

At least they knew what to do; precisely remembering Joshua's poorly executed plan. Do not talk to or approach anyone apart of CINDER as it'll cause suspicion because you're talking to someone you usually don't talk to.

Hopefully Christina had a much more better plan in mind.

Kyle was in English class, working and bored out of his mind, reciting Joshua's instructions every minute because he was anxiously peering over his shoulder, and Marlene was making funny faces at him.

And she doesn't get the drift. Joshua, your plan has failed the CINDER gang and the universe. May whatever cosmic entity exist, may they give you mercy.

Kyle dramatically thought, scribbling into his notebook as the bell rang for second period.

Again. The plan didn't go so well and it annoyed Kyle to the point he was unable to focus properly in music class and for the duration of the day.

C I N D E R ― An MCU Spinoff.Where stories live. Discover now