Where Do We Start?

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A/N: There's a lot of dialogue in this chapter, but it's important for establishing Peter and Mabel's relationship. However, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. <3


I knocked on the white door of an apartment on the 7th floor of the complex. A short woman with glasses and long chocolate-brown hair opened up and gave me a friendly smile.

"You must be Mabel!" She stepped forward and gave me a tight hug. I hesitated before lifting my hands and hugging her back. I looked over her shoulder to see Peter standing behind her with his arms crossed. His cheeks flushed a light shade of pink. The woman pulled back from the warm embrace and held my shoulders. "Peter has told me so much about you! I'm his Aunt May."

"Oh has he, now?" I flashed Peter a mischievous grin and the pink on his cheeks became hotter. "It's a pleasure to meet you, May."

I folded my hands behind my back and leaned into the room, followed by a couple of steps forward. A pleasant aroma filled my nostrils as I took in the atmosphere of the cozy apartment.

"I'm making some of my famous pot roast for dinner. It should be ready around 6:30, so you and Pete have a couple hours before it's ready." May explained. "Please, make yourself at home Mabel."

Peter gave me a coy smile and gestured to follow him. "Hey, uh... We can chill in my room if you want. Or we can... just... hang out here."

"Yes, Peter. I feel more comfortable standing in your doorway than going to a comfy room." I sneered.

He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "You got me." He led me to his room and closed the door behind him. His walls were mostly bare, but a few posters and pictures of him and his friends were strewn about. Mostly just selfies of Peter and Ned being goofballs. They warmed my heart. His twin bed was dressed with thick grey covers and a single fluffy pillow. There were multiple textbooks and papers laying around the bed with a calculator and some pens and pencils here and there. His desk shelved various mechanical trinkets and gadgets, all to build what seemed to be small computer.

"You've got a nice pad, Parker. It reflects your personality very well."

"I can't tell if I should be happy or hurt by that comment. Anyway, what's up? I didn't think you'd even consider talking to me again after ditching high school after your first day. We barely got to know each other."

I raised one eyebrow and straightened my lips, shifting my eyes to the side slightly.

"Lemme rephrase that. You barely know me. I think I got a pretty good feel for you and your personality when you humiliated our science teacher yesterday."

"That's actually what I've come here for. I need your help with that very thing. I barely even know myself. Lemme get you up to speed on this... predicament."

We sat together on his bed and I explained everything to him in great detail. He listened intently and was very engaged in the conversation. He truly wanted to help me. That's why I chose to come to him with my problem. I knew from what I've heard that he's selfless and always willing to help people in a crisis.

"So, lemme get this straight..." he jutted his hand out in front of him and began to wave it as he spoke. "You got severely injured in Sokovia after the whole Ultron thing, and Mr. Stark somehow managed to keep you alive and kicking even though it should've been physically impossible for him to do so."

"Exactly. And because he did the impossible and I'm still here, that must mean that I'm not what I used to be. He must've done something to me to make me survive, and he's refusing to share that information with me."

Peter weaved his fingers through his golden brown hair and widened his eyes. "Well, where do we start?"

"You have the suit that Stark gave you, right?"


"Well, the AI in there should have a setting that allows you to scan the body for any unnatural or inhuman substances or objects. We can start there."

He stood up from the springy mattress and paced around the room momentarily before speaking. "How about we start by building a solid friendship first?" He held out his hand and I grasped it firmly. "Fine by me, Peter."

He pulled me up from the bed and smiled at me kindly before jolting his head towards the door as a sudden voice hollered from the apartment.

"Peter! Mabel! Dinner's ready!"

"Thanks May! We're on our way!"

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