Call to (Metal) Arms

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A/N: This chapter is gonna be a bit long, but i'm keeping it fun and interesting, so I hope you guys enjoy!

I was sleeping soundly in my bed. My arms were wrapped tightly around my pillow and legs were pulled up to my chest underneath the warm blankets. Three days had passed since Stark took me back home, and as promised, he made training relentless for me as a punishment. My sore limbs rested comfortably on the cushy mattress underneath me, and I planned on sleeping in as long as possible on my day off.

That plan was soon foiled when my phone began ringing loudly, playing the basic ringtone throughout my bedroom. I jolted up from my pillow and bashed my head against my bed frame, causing a sharp pain to echo through my head. Cursing under my breath, I shot my hand out to the side and frantically groped for my phone on my bedside table. After a few outraging seconds of fiddling around to grab it, I finally got ahold of my phone and answered the call, not even bothering to see who it was first.

"Hello?" I said groggily through my pounding head.

"Hey Mabel! It's me. Peter. I hope I didn't wake you."

"You just made me jump from my covers and bash my skull against my bed frame. No biggie." I rubbed the back of my head and inhaled loudly through my teeth, scrunching my face in pain.

"Oh... Sorry..."

"It's fine. I'll live. What's up? I have a day off from my training today."

"I'm at school right now, but I wanted to tell you something super important. It's passing period so I don't have much time."

"Alright Parker. Shoot."

"I figured out what the chip is."

I perked up after hearing the news and my eyes widened. I lowered my voice so that no one could easily eavesdrop on our conversation. "What?! How?"

"You know that 'baby monitor protocol' that Mr. Stark put in my suit? Well I asked him to keep it because it's useful for relaying information and things that I've seen while in the suit. Well, it recorded everything I saw when I was scanning you the other day..."

"...And you were able to figure it out by using the footage." I finished. "Well done, Parker."

I heard the sound of a school bell ring from the other end and many chatty teenager's voices clouding up the reception. "That's my queue." He said. "I'll call you after school, alright?"

"Alright. Thank you, Peter. You're the best." A short beep came through the phone, indicating the end of our conversation. I slid out of my covers and sat at the edge of my bed. Small rays of sunshine shone through the gaps of my curtains, casting little shapes onto the dark wooden floor of my bedroom. The light intrigued me. It's ability to be anywhere and everywhere. It's usually harmless, but when used in the right way, it could blind or maim. I'd never had that sort of feeling about light before. I felt a connection to it in a way. It gave me a strange feeling in my chest that instantly awakened me. I sat on the edge of my bed staring at the light for a while. A sudden hard knock on my door broke me of my unusual trance and stole my attention.

It was Bucky. He'd been living with us for a short time now. It took a while for Tony to forgive him after what he did to his parents, but he's become a valuable part of the team and a great friend to many. Underneath the long, shadowy hair and the shiny metal arm, he has a really big heart. Many are surprised by how he and Steve are such good friends. Their personalities are so different.

With a star-spangled heart and the soul of Uncle Sam, Steve's far too innocent to offend anyone, let alone say anything that could be controversial or hurt someone's feelings. He takes pleasure in enjoying everyone's company and going out of his way to make time for all of his friends. I always enjoy asking him about what life was like over 70 years ago. People's outfits, hair styles, music, activities. It fascinates me; and Steve has as great of a time telling me about it as I do hearing about it.

Bucky, on the other hand, is still warming up to the team, as well as this whole way of living. He's been a soldier most of his life, so the domestic "chillin' out on the couch" lifestyle is still new to him. He's much more reserved and shy when he's in a group, and he's very serious when on a mission with the team. He's much more open and talkative when he's with just one person. He likes to read during his free time. His favorite books are usually anything that have to do with medieval times. Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit. I've tried to convince him to watch the movies but he strictly refuses every time I bring it up.

"Oh. Hey Bucky."

"Hi. Uh, Stark sent me to make sure you're awake. We're all going to dinner tonight... for Pepper's birthday. He wants you to be ready by 7." He said quietly. A strand of hair fell over his face and he gently moved it back into place with his metal index finger and thumb.

"Oh God, I almost forgot! Thanks Bucky. Is it casual or fancy?"

"What do you think? It's Tony Stark we're talking about here."

"Fancy it is." I chuckled. "Thanks Bucky."

His lips formed a coy smile. He backed up slowly and gripped the door handle gently, his metal fingers making high-pitched clanking noises as they touched it. He closed the door and I heard his footsteps as they grew farther from my door. A few seconds later, I heard a deep-voiced gasp and a loud bang.

"God dammit!" Bucky's angry voice called from outside. I jumped off my bed and ran to my door, opening it to reveal Bucky with his arm stuck in the wall.

"What the hell happened?!" I yelled.

"Vision phased through the wall and scared the living shit outta me!" He glared at him through his scruffy hair. Vis was standing behind him, wearing his usual attire composed of a sweater on top of a polo shirt with kakis. His demeanor was that of a confused child– brows upturned and eyes reflecting his embarrassment.

"My apologies, Mr. Barnes. I keep forgetting that I startle people by doing that..."

Bucky sighed and ripped his arm from the wall. That action caused clouds of dust and several slivers of broken wood to fly in the air around us. He looked at the mess and then back at Vision. "You're cleaning that up." He stepped over the pile of wood and dust and walked off, leaving Vis and I in silent presence. I shrugged and backed up, slowly returning to my room. "I was just a witness..." I closed the door, leaving Vision to clean up after Bucky's mess by himself.

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