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Your heart is racing. Her breath catches in your throat. You're staring at your phone.

Unknown: I'm watching you. And I'm waiting.

"What does that mean?!" Yoosung cries into your ear. You blink as you remember you had been distracted the entire LOLOL game you had begun playing. "Can't start as co-op?"

"It means just that! It's an individual mission, Yoosung. Guess you can't take me along," you reply after a moment, trying your best to keep your voice steady. The messages had entered your phone almost two hours ago, but you haven't been able to get them out of your mind. In fact, you still have your phone open to the messages beside your keyboard. You keep trying to analyze it every free moment you have.

"Mari? Mari, you okay?" Yoosung asks. "You seem distracted."

"Hmm? Oh, no! Just tired still," you lie. "I'm fine! Sorry... Oh, give me a minute, and I'll perk up! Gonna grab some gaming food," you tease. Despite having cooked a proper meal - and sending the photo to a smiling Yoosung as promised - you barely ate a thing thanks to the terrifying texts. So despite Yoosung's questioning as you type AFK in your online status, you stand and hurrying into your kitchen, grabbing chips and a soda.

Your phone is still in your hand as you enter the kitchen, and you pause. You had an idea, but it was crazy, and you seriously doubted following through on this. But you were beginning to feel paranoid. And on top of the nightmares, you fear losing anymore sleep. So you hit call on your phone and hold it to your ear as you grab snacks and pop open a red bull.

"Hello! This is Seven-oh-Seven at your service!" a cheerful voice picks out. "How may I be of service today?"

"Hey Seven," you reply quickly, biting at your lower lip. "Can I ask you something?"

There's a hum on the other end of the phone and a short pause before, "Shoot, Mari!"

You gulp slightly. "You said you were a hacker, right?" A soft sound of agreement meets your question. "Could you-... Do you think you could trace a phone number?" you ask hesitantly.

You can almost sense the questioning look Seven is giving you through his phone in the silence that follows your question. "Well, theoretically I could," he hums. "But why should I?"

"Because I think someone's stalking me..." you mutter quietly.

That seemed to stop his teasing look at his phone as the silence between you two becomes more serious.

"And why do you think this...?" he asks.

"Because I keep getting texts and calls from this Unknown number. They say they're watching me and that they know all about me. And.. they're waiting for me." You explain hurriedly. "I know it could easily be a prank, but I'm scared, Seven. Just, please... if you could check for me? I barely get enough sleep as it is, I don't need to lose more due to paranoia."

"Of course! Of course," he replies quickly. "Of course I'll look for you. No one deserves to be scared like that, prank or not. If you can wait, I can stop by later tonight or tomorrow and take a look at your phone," he offers.

You nod at your phone, before letting out a sigh. "Thank you, Seven. I'll probably be up all night, so feel free to stop by and I'll help you however I can..."

"I'll let you know when I'm on my way." With that, you say thank you once again and hang up, hurrying back to your computer.

"Mari!" Yoosung is calling. "You've been gone forever! Do you have your snacks yet?" he asks as you return.

"Yes! But I also decided to put on pyjamas while I was up," you lie. "Because I forgot to do it before we started."

"O-Oh... well, that's alright then I guess. Now c'mon!" he says excitedly. "There's a raid starting!"

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