Spooky graveyard nightmare!

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It was cold, dark night and the moon was glaring at a window through the big, tall trees. The cold wind was howling like a wolf. The grass was dark and green with lights of white from the glaring moon. The moon looked like it was watching and waiting for someone to wake up the little sleepy sun for it was almost dawn.

A little girl was trying to sleep but she could not because of the howling wind. The little girl lay awake in her little, girly bed room. The little girl did not want to wake her mum as her mum was asleep in the room next to her. The little girl had a very annoying brother that was also asleep but he was just across the corridor in his small bed room.

The little girl lives in a small, wooden cottage in the middle of a graveyard near a big, dark and spooky wood. The little cottage where they have been living for a few years now and has broken windows where the little girl's mum has not come round to do yet as she keeps getting caught up with work.

The little girl is called Roxey may. Roxey is wearing purple and pink pjamers with a fluffy pink dressing ground. Roxey has comfy and fluffy slippers that are just under her bed and easy to reach. Roxey has bright, brown, long hair that is tied up in a ponytail with a pink hairband. Roxey's room is a pink and purple butterfly themed room. Roxey is only 9 years old. Roxey's brother is 7 years old. Roxey's mum is 40 years old.

Roxey has nightmares.

Roxey went to sleep at ten o'clock. This was her nightmare.

It started as a normal dream that a child of nine years old would have which was about fluffy, pink rabbits. The rabbits had lost all the Easter eggs and Roxey was to find them which she did. But then suddenly the rabbits turned into evil rabbits. Then the rabbits started to come closer and close to Roxey. The rabbits then went to the woods and ate all the brown, white dear and other rabbits.

Then Roxey woke up and she looked out of the window. Roxey saw lots of graves as she always did. Roxey saw that the wind had died down and it is now fogy like it is a floating cloud on top of the floor. Roxey saw a white figure with a black dress that was slowly walking closer and closer to the cottage. The figure was looking at Roxey and looked like it was watching her every move. The figure was a woman that looked like she died a few years ago. The dead woman was walking with a limp but then Roxey looked again. Roxey saw that the dead woman was now floating instead of walking. Roxey saw that the dead woman had no shoes on or soaks on. Roxey was very scared, frightened, spooked and wanted her mum but she did not even want to wake her mum up. Roxey knew that if she woke her mum then she will only be took back to bed it is always the way.

Roxey has a baby doll that she likes to play with suddenly Roxey's doll started to come alive and walk towards her. Roxey screamed at the top of her voice and her mum came in and gave her a big, loving hug to calm her down. After when Roxey had calm down a bit Roxey's mum asked "what happened?" Roxey then looks out the window and the dead woman was still there! Then Roxey eventually says gasping "there was a woman walking in the graveyard and my doll become alive. They were both walking closer and closer to me. It was so scary."

Then Roxey hugged her mum again. Roxey's mum says calming her a bit and hugging her "it's ok Roxey. There is nothing to be afraid of!" Then Roxey's mum shuts the curtain and sends Roxey back to bed. Roxey's mum went back to bed.

Roxey could not go back to sleep as she thought that they are going to get her. Roxey tries to sleep with her favourite music but that did not help so she tries to sing a song and that did not help. Roxey then tries to read a book and that did not help. Roxey just could not get to sleep! Roxey then still scared opened the curtain and the dead woman was gone. Roxey then suddenly heard a big, loud bang of the door. Roxey then went down the creaky, old stairs. Roxey ran to the front window in the living room trying not to fall over.

My short stories By Jessica EvansWhere stories live. Discover now