The magic book of Charlotte's adventure

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It is a bright, sunny, and warm spring day. It is a bit windy and the trees are dancing in the wind. The trees are fluffy and fall of dark and light green leafs. The trees are tall and are a good shade to read and get out of the warm sun. The trees are full of dark pink and candy floss pink blossom.

A girl is sitting under a shady tree. The girl had blue crystal eyes and long, mousy brown hair that sits on her small shoulders. The girl is wearing a bright, sunny, yellow dress with pink butterflies on it with pink shoes to match her dress. The girl is called Charlotte. Charlotte sits reading a book.

The book is about magical creatures in a world full of magic. The book has bright yellow paper with dark pink ink. The book has bright colours on the cover of the book.

Suddenly, Charlotte gets sucked into the book. Charlotte finds herself in a world like no other. The trees are different as they are candy floss pink leafs and the bark is dark chocolate. The grass is yellow gold like yellow sherbet. The flowers are ice cream flavoured coloured. Everything is eatable. Then fairies come out of the flowers.

The fairies wings are silky and look like butterfly wings. The fairies have beautiful coloured dresses. The fairies have cream coloured hair and light green eyes. The fairies have small little green shoes. The fairies are very small and are the size of your hand.

Charlotte is interested to know more so she looks around. Charlotte saw that the sky had a moon and a sun at the same time. Charlotte was amazed at the sight of day and night at the same time. The moon was bright and glowing. The sun was calm and welcoming.

Charlotte looked around even more excited and saw she was in a playing park. The park has upside down climbing frame that was pink and yellow. The swings were swinging back and forth.

Then a fairy says, "it's odd it never was like this before when we went to bed". A rainbow bird came flying by Charlotte's head and it sang for a moment then says, " it is the bad witch".

Charlotte was still amazed at all she is seeing as it is still all new to her. Charlotte thought to herself "this is weird but cool all at the same time."

Charlotte then looks up towards the sky near a lake on the other side of the park. It is a castle of pink and purple with white windows. The windows are hart shaped and the flags on the top that flow down the sides are looking like this.

Charlotte went closer to that castle and stood at the lake that led to the castle the lake has a bridge that came up through the water as Charlotte stood by the lake

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Charlotte went closer to that castle and stood at the lake that led to the castle the lake has a bridge that came up through the water as Charlotte stood by the lake. The bridge has a brown chocolate look and a light grey stripe.

Charlotte took a step on the bridge and walks closer to the castle. Charlotte's sunny yellow dress catches on one of the steps and it rips. Charlotte does not know about it until she gets to the other side of the bridge.

Charlotte steps off the bridge and onto the grass that looked a lot greener. The bridge goes back under the water. Charlotte then goes up a hill to the castle. Charlotte then bangs on the door and the door creaks open.

My short stories By Jessica EvansWhere stories live. Discover now