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Chandria's P.O.V.

"She's beautiful isn't she?" I stared at Luna Victoria... Who was carrying me in her arms... It feels like I'm in a dream... It feels like I'm seeing the past...

"All our daughters are beautiful Victoria, all of them are" Then I saw Alpha Nickhun standing beside her, they were both looking at me with smiles on their faces... Which for me was still hard to understand what they mean... I was a baby?

"Don't cry sweetie... Nickhun, come here for a second" I saw Luna Victoria looking at her mate with much worry in her eyes but I don't know why.

"Why? Did something bad happened? Why is she crying?"

"Khun, her eyes are brown, but they're blue now"

"You mean, she inherited her grandmother's special ability? She can see the future and the past?" What? They looked at each other, worried imprinted on their faces.. what on earth does it mean?

"But she's going to be a mortal until she reaches 20, she wouldn't turn to her wolf form not meet her vampire spirit until then"

"No matter what power she inherits, she's still ours and we will love her unconditionally"


"Mom! Dad! There's hunters!" I can hear myself crying, as Chantal unnie, who was like 5 or 7 started screaming and running inside the house, she was carrying me and was looking everywhere for our other sisters..

"Quickly! Go to the safe house now!" Alpha Nickhun spoke before running outside the pack house, what's happening here? What's wrong?

"Chantal, I'm leaving you in charge, take care of your baby sister for me. I have to fight to save and defend our pack"

"But mom I saw vampires there, mom you're still weak, you wouldn't be able to fight back" With tears pouring down from her eyes, Chantal unnie hugged Luna Victoria and held on her dress...

"I can do it Chantal, just protect your sister for me please. Just don't let her out of your sight and lead all your sisters to safely, I love each and everyone of you, remember that" Luna Boa gave everyone a kiss including me as she dropped a tear before giving me back to the arms of my sister

"Tori! They have to go!"

"I love everyone of you" Mom spoke before she let us ran to the opposite direction, at the backyard where the safe house is just a few meters away from the house.

"Chantal unnie what are we going to do? Where should we go?" Tiffany, if I'm not mistaken spoke as I kept crying the whole time, I remember being caressed by Chantal unnie, trying to hush me down so I wouldn't cry anymore.

"Remeber the place where we once hid because of dad? Remeber that tower? We have to go there and lock ourselves in, we have to protect ourselves and each one if us there. We have to be safe, for mom and dad"

"Unnie I'm so scared, I don't know what to do" Sungkyu unnie then spoke, Chantal unnie held her hand and assures everyone that they're all going to be fine

"So am I Sunkyu, but we'll get through this, we have to be strong, for our baby sister"

They ran, from the fields and then easily found the safe house, when almost all of our sisters are already inside the house, a vampire suddenly appeared before me and Chantal unnie which caused her to stop running and stared at it with much fear.

"Chantal unnie!"

"Go just run!"

"Oops, sorry little girl" The vampire took it from my sister and the gave her a scratch on her wrist, then the vampire just flew away with me. He landed on a dark and haunted house like mansion as the door opened and revealed a person sitting on a king like chair, I couldn't see the face of that person as all the lights were turned off...


"Why did you bring such a worthless infant here before me?! I ordered you to kill everyone!"

"Forgive me Alpha, this mistake won't happen again"

"Take her away from me, or might as well kill her" With those threatening words, the vampire that was carrying me suddenly walked out of the house and flew again, this time, he landed on a vintage like mansion...the place where I grew up....the place where I was treated badly...

"Take care of her for me, maybe I'm going to get her back one day" The vampire spoke as he gently placed me on the doormat then rung the bell, making sure that a person would come out of the house before leaving me alone...

I am their daughter...

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