Lunchtime chaos part one

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Gazel's POV

I was about to fall asleep when the bell came ringing sooo loud that it almost made me deaf, then some of my classmates started to walk outside, I looked at the clock behind and saw it was already 11:30 'Lunchtime', then I felt a tap on my shoulder it was Shadow he looked at me with a blank expression while saying"Are you coming?" I smiled nodding and stood at my seat and started to walk with Shadow to the cafeteria,

Burn's POV

"Are you coming?" Shadow asked Gazel, she just smiled and nodded making me growl a bit, she's acting so nice and cheerful what the heck happened in all that 3 years of her disappearance did she got caught by a cheerful idiot or maybe a circus? Something's not right,

"Hey Burn, you coming!?" Xavier asked,

I just stood and walked to where the cafeteria was held while Xavier followed me with a grin plastered in his face which is annoying

We reached the cafeteria, I saw Gazel sitting on the floor wet and a bucket was about a few meters away from her, Shadow was kneeling beside her trying to comfort her I guess?, some girls was laughing while pointing at Gazel,

Nathan was running while holding a towel throwing it to Shadow, catching it and gave it to Gazel ,but she didn't took it to be exact she stood up and turned around meeting my eyes with her, the girls stopped laughing as Gazel walked towards me they all remained frozen in place, even Mark the soccer freak and also the captain of the school's soccer club that I'm in is frozen in place, Gazel walked towards me not saying anything until she was in front of me I saw a puff of smoke when she breath at her mouth like it was already winter she said, no whispered something I wasn't really able to hear it though,

Gazel's POV

After I breathed a cold air I whispered"...Frozen Spear..." And ice was starting to come out of my hand forming a spear...

How did Gazel able to do that? Who dropped the bucket of water on her? What will happen? Everything will be explained at the chapter 'Lunchtime chaos part two'...


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