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With Hyde and Torque finally gone, Mu was once again silent and at peace. The voice that had spoken earlier appeared as a shadow and kept watch for any more humans that may be hiding. A loud and terrible rumble shook the floating continent. The shadow looked toward the spires at the peak of Mu to find two of the artifacts were missing. Quickly piecing it together, the shadow zipped and zoomed through the hundreds of thousands of buildings in a matter of minutes. It didnt once stop until it had found its destination, a small building on the lower part of Mu. However this building was strangely taken care of compared to the rest. No growths of vegetation, no major cracks or fractures, just preserved.
The shadow bounced around the room activating the terminals on the walls. Creating more rumbling, the shadow eventually stopped in place facing the inside of the building. The floor broke into pieces as automated mechanisms tried to cleanly remove tiles of the flooring. Once the original floor was removed it was slowly replaced with a new one which also brought up a large chamber like machine. This machine held multiple containers of various colored fluids with tubes of said fluids feeding into the larger container. The shadow approached.
"Hal' Sanos?" An unfamiliar voice asked.
"Kronos." The shadow replied.
The chamber's almost glass door slid open revealing a gel of sorts holding in suspended animation an object. The shadow touched the gel which sent ripples until the object was ejected. The shadow catched the object as it fell through, however, it was no object at all but a person!
The shadow carries it to a nearby stone bench to lay it down on. Cryogenic mist still covering the body. The shadow patiently waited for the humanoid to awake and studied him in the mean time. The boy had pale skin, bright white hair, and a glowing blue scar on his cheek. Examining the symbols on his clothing proved he was indeed a Murian. His clothes in fact were mostly black with the exception of the cyan blue details and undershirt he wore.
The boy suddenly opened his eyes and rolled off the bench, couching and gasping for air. His bones felt weak and his head wouldn't stop spinning. He decided to sit there and stare into his reflection in a puddle that formed on the ground.
After taking some time needed to recover, he slowly stood back up and began to walk step by step. His body shook as he made it through the doorway of the building he was in. He searched his surroundings for someone to help him. The entirety of Mu began to be swallowed by the darkness as the sun quickly set on the forgotten continent. He stumbled about until he heard faint voices from the corner of his mind. He was quickly regaining his memories.
"Solo..." A voice spoke out to him.
"...Solo, know that I will always be proud of you. Be strong and be brave, my son, for you are a strong warrior."
It was his father.
"Dad.. Please don't go.." Solo couldn't help but say aloud.
"Remind the world of our greatness, son. We love you."
Those were the last words he had heard from his father before going into cryogenic hibernation. Streams of tears flooded Solo's face. His cries echoed the land as a constant reminder that he was the last Murian.
Several minutes later he had given up on bawling and walked down an alleyway to find his way however he failed to notice the Shadow had been right behind him glaring at Solo. The Shadow wasn't silent and emmited a sound similar to static. Solo heard this and froze in fear. Slowly turning to face it, Solo recognized the glaring dark violet colored being.
"Oh... Hello Sonia." Solo greeted it.
"Greetings, sir, I am indeed a Self Operated New Intelligence Assistant. You may refer to me as 'LapLace'." It greeted back with a electronic gravelly voice.
"Nice to meet something familiar... I would've thought all the SONIA's would have been deactivated." Solo replied with a saddened tone.
"I was stored with you and remained active to awake you when the need arose."
"So you are the one who woke me up?" Solo repeated, glancing at the ruined buildings around them.
"How long has it been?" He asked.
"5212 years." Laplace informed.
Solo took a step back to digest the information. He never could have thought he was asleep for so long.
"5212 years... Everyone... They're all gone..."
In amidst of all the sulking, Solo's stomach began to grumble and it wasn't pleasant.
"Ouch.. Hey, so, where is all the food?"
"I do not require food." Laplace answers.
"Dammit..." Solo pauses. "...Doesn't Earth have food? What about the humans? Are they still around?" Solo asks as he continues to walk.
"Earth does have plenty of resources, sir." Laplace tells him while following.
"Great! Let's just go down there and demand some food then!"
"Sir, it's been 5212 years... Earth has changed." He warns.
Solo stopped.
"What do you mean?"
"The humans have forgotten about Mu. They no longer use swords or bows but missiles and advanced bows. These humans will not bow to us any longer." Laplace informs.
Solo pauses to contemplate this.
"... I want to see what it's like there, Laplace." Solo tells his new friend with determination.
Laplace guides him in the right direction toward the tunnel Hyde and Torque used previously.
"Do not worry, sir, I am programmed to protect you." He reassured.
As Laplace activated the tunnel, Solo stood in front of it and watched the sparks of his people's technology at work.
"Laplace, why did you wake me up..?" Solo asks within deep thought.
Laplace flew past him ignoring the question as the portal finishes opening, revealing a dark and gloomy looking alleyway. The two stared into the portal with wonder before Laplace finally flew through the portal. Solo took a deep sigh before running through himself, and with a quick shock, was suddenly transported to the dark and gloomy alleyway however here it was warmer than Mu to Solo but moderate to a human however it was pouring rain.
"Laplace, where are we?" Solo asks, frantically searching around.
"Unknown. We should however find shelter." Laplace advises.
"Good idea, let's see where all the humans are. You... May want to stay here actually. You stick out more than I do." The white haired boy criticized.
"Humans can't normally see me unless I make myself appear visible. There is nothing to worry about "
The two wonder around in a dark and wet city until they spot a large group of humans walking into a bustling building of some sort. Solo kept his head down and followed behind the group. Walking through the door, bright lights and loud music hit Solo like a train but the stench of alcohol was the most prominent to be sure. They were in a bar.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing here kid? No minors!" The bartender exclaimed.
"What is he saying, Laplace?" Solo asks.
"Unknown, sir. We require more dialogue before a translation can be formed."
A drunk patron nearby overheard the bartender yelling and went to investigate stumbling every bit of the way.
"Yeah! No little brats hangin' around 'ere!" The drunkard yelled then promptly dumped the rest of his beer can onto Solo's head.
Solo winced and stood there in disbelief. As soon as the beer was partially done dripping into his eyes, he glared at the people who had been laughing at him. A waitress shimmied past the crowd to serve another beer to other patrons. Solo looked away for a moment as he lost interest only for the waitress to begin yelling.
"Hands off you creep!" The woman said attempting to shove the man away .
Frustrated, the man grabbed the woman from behind whilst touching her inappropriately. Solo wasn't going to sit idlely by and sprung into action.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2017 ⏰

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