Root of All Evil

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March 17, 2012 Over the Atlantic.

The day was sunny and you could see across the blue ocean. The only thing that really made noise was the airplane's steady engines.
"Please, Mr. Torque, reconsider. I just know we are on the verge of a major discovery! I can feel it!" Pleads the man across the isle of Mr. Torque who is also his top investor.
Mr. Torque, who was previously looking out the window, turns to face the pleading man.
"Dr. Hyde you must realize I cannot continue to invest into a project that yields little to no results." Mr. Torque replies while twisting his gold rings on his fingers.
Dr. William Hyde was a renowned archaeologist known for making great leaps for discovery. Even for a 49 year old man, Dr. Hyde still loves the adventure of his career and the fame and fortune it brings.

Hyde grunts in frustration.
"Well you see sir, there is an immense amount of electromagnetic radiation surrounding the center of the Bermuda Triangle. It is impossible for our sensors to see what's past it and anything we send in there with a camera cuts out shortly after."
"Damnit Dr! You are an adventurer! That's why I put money into your expeditions! So that everyone knows the great Dr. Hyde and the man running the show! Me! Show me that!" Torque demands.
Hyde rubbed his chin pondering his current predicament.
"Very well, Mr. Torque." The doctor says as he quietly stands and wanders off to the cockpit.
Suddenly, the plane began to jerk and fly violently in another direction. Torque practically climbed his way into the cockpit to see what is going on. Hyde was now the one piloting and the actual pilot was knocked unconscious on the floor.
"Have you gone mad Hyde?!"
"Only doing as you ask Mr. Torque. In case you were curious we are now heading directly for the center of the Bermuda Triangle!"
Torque couldn't believe his ears. He was possibly going to die on an airplane with a deranged archaeologist. Hyde looked back at him for a moment.
"You may want to buckle up." He threatened.
Torque ran back to his seat and soon felt the change in the air. The plane began to rumble back and forth in the air. Richard looked out his same window only to see dark clouds surrounding the plane and lightning striking whichever direction. Panicked, he buckled his seatbelt and held firmly to the armrests.
The airplane's automated systems went off and into emergency mode, the defibrillators came from the ceiling and red light began flashing.
Not long after the plane seemed to have passed through a field which completely turned off the red lights and at that same moment everything felt like it had stopped for Richard, only for him to realize a few seconds later that the plane was falling like a rock.
The world went dark for Richard. He only heard a loud ringing in his ears and his vision was blurred and could only see a bright light. After the plane was surrounded by darkness he could have sworn he was now dead. But when he finally came to his senses, he saw bits and pieces of the plane they were in strewn a across the landscape and the light was the sun behind the horizon. But wait, landscape? Horizon? It took him a second but here was surrounded by buildings covered in moss and vegetation. Where was he? There were no birds or animals at all really. When he breathed it was noticeably harder for him so much so he had to take off his literal $200 tie.
Mr. Torque wandered around until he found the dead pilot with a metal beam from the plane through his chest. Richard growled in anger towards Hyde.
A sinister laughter came out of nowhere.
"Speak of the devil," Torque says turning to face Hyde.
"You bastard! Do you know how much it's going to cost me for a lawsuit over death?!"
Hyde turned to face him.
"Don't you see? THIS is the fabled continent of Mu! There must be untold riches here!" He persuaded.
Richard paused.
"Untold riches, huh?"
The two wandered around only to find most of the buildings to be desolate and empty. It wasn't until they had reached the third flight of stairs that they could see two protruding spires in the distance that were previously behind clouds. What Hyde and Torque see however, are the glowing objects that have been resting atop those spires for a millennia.
"William! This is the treasure we have been looking for! This will ensure our names are cemented in history!" Richard exclaimed while grabbing and tugging at Hyde's shirt.
Hyde shrugged off Richard's hold on him and pointed his elegant cane towards the spires.
"Then our future awaits, Mr. Torque!"
The two make it up to the spires as dusk quickly approached them.
"Do you feel that?" Asked Hyde looking down at his hands.
"Yeah... The energy feels... Electrifying. It must be whatever is up on these spires! Hyde, go get that one over there!"
Hyde runs off to the spire glowing green while Torque starts climbing up to one glowing red. As Richard grew close to the top, he looked down to see the entire landscape below. Frightened, he held the spire closer and continued upward. Once he reached the top he was very much confused. It was a skull of what looked like a tyrannosaurus rex.
"What the hell is this bullshit? I thought there was real treasure up here! All well, maybe this is worth something to some museum." Torque reached to pull the skull out of place only to find it difficult to do so.
As his boss tried this hardest to remove the skull, Hyde had just started climbing and, as he wasn't the young adventurer he used to be, he struggled which cost his cane to fall and break on top of one of the buildings down below surely showing what would happen to him if he fell.
Once the archaeologist made it to the peak he found an enormous shuriken "ninja" star. He pulled on it as well until both he and his boss happen to remove each artifact and in turn, fall off the tops of the spires. Falling increasingly towards the stone ground of Mu, Hyde and Torque held their treasures close to their chests until the artifacts reacted to this and engulfed the two of them in a green and red flame! The flames grew brighter and brighter until they hit the ground with a large crash.
They reawaken with headaches to find themselves alive. Looking at each other they notice their appearances have changed. They were wearing strange suits fixed with armor and weapons to the suits themselves but not only that, they also felt younger and stronger! Hyde was wearing a long cape complete with a new cane and top hat. And Torque had thorns protruding from his heavy armor including a horn on his helmet. They felt beyond powerful.
Almost as if through instinct, Torque began a sprint until he was able to bash through building after building, and used his weapons to set the vegetation ablaze.
"I am no longer Richard Torque... I am now the all powerful Torque Fire! Hahahaha!" He maniacally laughed, simultaneously using the flamethrowers on his gauntlets to spew fire all over the place.
Hyde looked at his cane to admire its new elegance and noticed a murian statue nearby. He took a swing at it and found his cane was able to cut through the stone statue as if it were butter! He crookedly smiled and went to find Torque, who was ramming through building after building like a madman.
"Idiot." Hyde scoffed. "Mr. Torque!"
Not listening, Torque had accidentally rammed through the border wall of Mu, which he would have fallen off the face of the continent, that is if he wasn't floating.
"Oh my god!!" Torque yelled fearing for his life.
Surprised, Hyde concentrated until he flew however it wasn't working. Torque Fire flew past Hyde tauntingly which only infuriated him more.
"Dammit how can you fly?!" Hyde shouted.
"You just have to let go, my friend."
Hyde grunted in frustration and exhaled attempting to clear his mind.
"I don't think this is working, Mr. Torque." Hyde tells him.
"It isn't, is it?"
Hyde opens his eyes to find himself floating upward. After practicing flying around, they try and find a way off of Mu and after becoming lost eventually stumble upon a large tunnel of some sort.
"You think this might be a way out?" Torque Fire questions.
"Absolutely. The tunnel goes nowhere there aren't any chairs of any sort to be found. It has to be a gateway! We only have to figure out how it works..." Hyde suggests.
While pondering, they suddenly hear a loud 'whoosh' pass behind them.
"Hyde! Did you hear that?" Torque asked him frightened.
Hyde takes a look around behind them.
"Must've been the wind, sir."
"Bullshit! I saw something! Something is here with us..." He swore.
"Ek'kreet. Kath, Fon, Wol!" A gravelly voice spoke.
The ground beneath their feet began to intensely rumble! The tunnel shot bolts of lightning from inside it until the electricity formed a portrait of a landscape.
"Mr. Torque! Look! I recognize that place, it's northern Ireland! The portal works!" Hyde exclaimed with excitement.
The two cautiously stepped through the portal, which closed behind them.
"Ebesh masa." The voice spoke again.

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