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A/n: A lot of you wanted a kyriana YouTube vid. So what was asked, shall be received😏


"Hey guys it's Kylie, and this," Kylie started as she stared into the camera and put her arm around Ariana, "Is my amazing, beautiful, talented, hot ass, gorgeous-" Kylie was about to continue but Ariana cut her off. "Babe, they get it." She said softly while blushing, causing Kylie to giggle, "Yeah, this is my girlfriend, Ari." Kylie said causing Ariana to giggle.

"Ahem." Kendall said while clearing her throat, causing Kylie and Ariana to stare at her. She was sitting next to Kylie, who was sitting in the middle of the two. "Oh yeah, and this is Kendall, my sister." Kylie said in a bored tone and Kendall's eyes went wide. "Well thanks!" She said sarcastically, causing Ariana and Kylie to laugh.

"Kendall has her own channel, that I will be linking in the description below." Kylie said, winking at the camera. "She makes awesome life advice videos, and basically just rants about her own life. So if you're into that kind of shit, which you should be cause she's cute and relatable, go subscribe to her." Kylie said seriously and Kendall smiled.

"I honestly think that's the sweetest thing you've ever said about me." Kendall admitted and Ariana snorted. "She's doing it for the likes and views." She said bluntly, causing Kendall to laugh while Kylie's eyes went wide.

"Ignoring that RUDE and very untrue comment. Before we get into this video; like always, if you haven't, subscribe to me and give this video a big thumbs up, cause well, I'm hot and so is my girlfriend." Kylie said winking at the camera again. "Ahem!" Kendall said, clearing her throat, again. "Oh yeah, and Kendall's alright too." Kylie said bluntly, causing Ariana to laugh as Kendall rolled her eyes.

"Alright, so, tell them what we're doing today babe." Kylie said as she turned to Ariana and smiled. "Well hopefully after this video I can do you." Ariana mumbled, causing Kylie's mouth to gape open for a moment. "Gross, my pure ears." Kendall said and if Kylie wasn't so flustered over Ariana's previous comment, then she would've had some snarky remark to say to that.

"But besides that, we're doing the girlfriend versus sister tag!" Ariana said, and Kylie and Kendall then nodded while smiling. "Normally it'd be "girlfriend versus best friend" tag. But since all of our friends are busy, living their lives; Kendall was the second best thing." Kylie said bluntly causing Kendall to gasp, "Is this just the "insult Kendall" video?!" She asked, pretending to be hurt. Ariana and Kylie then laughed at her causing her to pout.

"Okay, so the rules of this game are, I'm gonna ask questions about myself, and whoever can answer it first gets a point." Kylie explained, "We also have these little button things, that make different buzzing noises." Kendall said as her and Ariana held up their buttons. "So whoever buzzes their button first, gets to answer the question. If that person answers incorrectly, the other person gets a free shot at answering." Ariana explained further, causing Kylie and Kendall to smile.

"Alright let's do this! I made a list of questions on my phone, I am ready." Kylie said smiling as she reached for her phone, that was on the nightstand. "Are you guys ready?" Kylie asked as she unlocked the phone, "You're going down." Kendall said to Ariana with a competitive smirk on her face. "Yeah, but not until after the videos over and you leave." Ariana said bluntly, causing Kylie and Kendall to stare at her for awhile with shocked expressions.

"Okay first question!" Kylie said enthusiastically, ignoring Ariana's comment. "What age was I when I had my first kiss?" Kylie asked with a playfully smirk on her face. Kendall then immediately pressed her button, "Twelve!" She answered quickly and Kylie nodded. "Yes! Point for Kendall." She said and Ariana rolled her eyes, "I don't care for that question." She mumbled and Kylie smiled at her girlfriend, "Why? You jealous?" She asked playfully and Ariana only rolled her eyes.

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