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"What's up guys, I'm Dua and I have two dildo's in my hand." Dua said, as she stared seriously at the camera. She put the dildo's down for a moment and giggled, "Before I get into this video, if you haven't, subscribe to me." Dua said with a smile on her face. "Do it for the dildo's." She whispered as she leaned in close to the camera.

"Alright! So the topic of this weeks video, is... well, honestly I don't know. I mean I have some dildo's, I have some googly eyes, and I have glue." Dua said as she held up all of the products. "See originally, I was going to do this alone, but then I realized, what's better than one hot ass chick with dildo's and googly eyes?" Dua asked with a smirk on her face.

"Two hot chicks with more dildo's and googly eyes!" Ally said as she suddenly popped out of nowhere, holding two more dildo's in her hand with another packet of googly eyes and glue.

"She was under the bed because she's fetus size and can actually fit." Dua said as she laughed, causing Ally to gasp. "I may be fetus sized but I will choke you, asshole!" Ally yelled jokingly, "Like you can even reach my neck." Dua said snorting, causing Ally to gasp again.

"So here's something really funny guys, Ally doesn't know what we're doing in today's video; and she's already promised that she wouldn't back out, no matter how weird it may be." Dua explained with a sly smirk on her face, "Can you guess what we're doing today, Ally?" She asked, turning to face the shorter girl.

"Are we gonna be super glueing googly eyes on your dildo's?" Ally asked curiously. "Close." Dua said and Ally furrowed her eyebrows.

"Are you- are you gonna glue the eyes on the dildo, and fuck me with it?" Ally asked in a low voice, causing Dua to burst into fits of laughter. "If I said yes, how would you feel about it?" The brunette asked jokingly, "Honestly? I'm not sure. We'd probably have to turn the camera off first though." Ally explained, causing Dua to laugh loudly again.

"Unfortunately we are not doing that, maybe next time." Dua said, winking jokingly at Ally with both eyes, and Ally laughed. "We're actually going to be answering some dirty questions that my fans sent to me on Tumblr." Dua said, and Ally furrowed her eyebrows. "Then what do we need the dildo's and googly eyes for?" She asked curiously.

"Listen shorty, I was getting there." Dua said, causing Ally to roll her eyes playfully. "The questions I chose are dirty and personal. So if you pass, meaning you don't wanna answer a question, you have to glue a googly eye to your face." Dua explained and Ally nodded.

"At the end, whoever has more googly eyes on their face, is gonna have to go outside, walk up to the first stranger they see, and ask them "excuse me, can you please hold something for me?". Then they have to hand them all of the dildo's." Dua said and Ally's eyes went wide. "That's so embarrassing! How the hell did you come up with that?" Ally asked in disbelief.

"Idea's for videos just come randomly to me." Dua answered bluntly. "What? So you were like in bed or something, and just thought to yourself "hmm it'd be super funny if I glued googly eyes to my face and asked strangers to hold my dildo's?"?!" Ally asked, and Dua laughed. "Yeah, pretty much." She said simply and Ally shook her head and laughed.

"So, shall we get gay into the video?" Dua asked and Ally furrowed her eyebrows, "Did you just replace the word "straight" with "gay"?" She asked curiously. "Honey, you clearly haven't seen my YouTube videos; nothing about this channel is straight." Dua answered seriously, causing Ally to laugh.

"Okay, let's get gay into the video then." Ally said and Dua giggled.

"Alright! First question is an easy one, keep in mind we're both answering these, so no taking turns, all cards are on the table. Are you a top or a bottom?" Dua asked with a smirk on her face. "What does that mean? Is that a short joke?" Ally asked curiously and Dua's eyes went wide. "You don't know what top or bottom means?" She asked and Ally shook her head.

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