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"LAUREN!" Normani yelled from downstairs, Lauren soon heard loud footsteps rushing to her room, and soon enough Normani was barging in. "Yeah sure, come in." Lauren joked sarcastically causing Normani to give her a look.

"CAMILA CABELLO COMMENTED ON YOUR VIDEO." Normani yelled causing Lauren to jump a bit at the loudness of her voice. "I know, I saw." Lauren said, smiling a bit as she remembered Camila's comment from earlier. "It's blowing up dude!" Normani said excitedly as she plopped down on Lauren's bed, laying on her stomach while facing the slightly younger girl.

"Look at how many replies from fans she got! Saying "Collab queens" and "moms" and EVERYTHING!" Normani yelled, still fan-girling. "Plus she thinks we have nice butts!" Normani said, smiling like an idiot causing Lauren to giggle. "It was just a comment, Mani." Lauren said lightly and Normani gave her a sarcastic look. "No! It wasn't "just a comment" Lauren. It means she watches your videos on a daily!" Normani pointed out, still clearly excited.

"You should text her." She added, this caused Lauren to sit up and look at her like she was crazy. "Are you insane? It was just a comment. She'll probably think I'm weird or something." The raven haired girl said and Normani rolled her eyes. "You're a smoking hot bisexual, and she's a smoking hot lesbian; if that's not an iconic duo I don't know what is." She said, causing Lauren to roll her eyes but giggle at her best friend.

"You're a smoking hot lesbian too." Lauren pointed out, "Exactly! And we're i-c-o-n-i-c!" Normani said, spelling out the word. "Are we?" Lauren asked, discreetly trying to change the subject. "Yes we are- wait a second... You sneaky little bisexual! You're trying to change the subject!" Normani practically yelled, "I've known you for too long Laur, I know when you're dodging my common sense." She added causing Lauren to give her a look.

"Your common sense isn't necessarily a normal persons idea of "common sense", Mani." Lauren half joked causing Normani to roll her eyes and huff in frustration. "What do you want from me?" Lauren asked curiously, "For you to collab with Camila!" Normani yelled, and Lauren only stared at her. "We don't even know each other. Isn't that kind of weird? What would I even say? "Hey I'm Lauren, I'm such a big fan. By the way let's make a video together!"." Lauren said in a sarcastic cheery tone.

"Yeah! Just like that!" Normani said and Lauren rolled her eyes. "What if she doesn't even want me to message her?" Lauren asked, getting slightly frustrated with her best friend. But Normani knew just what to say to convince Lauren to do things, and Lauren knew that. Which made her even more nervous.

Meanwhile, Camila sat on her bed, next to Dinah and Dua. "Okay, I commented on her video three hours ago. Why the hell hasn't she messaged me yet?" Camila asked, clearly confused. "Maybe she's just not good at taking hints." Dua said bluntly, laying on the floor, attempting to balance a pencil on her nose. "Oh no. What if she's one of those super oblivious girls that doesn't know what a hint is?" Dinah asked and Camila gave her a terrified look.

"That would be awful." Camila said truthfully. "Just message her first." Dua said simply, causing Camila to roll her eyes. "Um excuse you? I am Camila Cabello, I do not message first. I receive the messages that people message first." She said seriously, causing Dua to sit up and stare at her for awhile. "Okay, maybe I should message her first..." Camila trailed off, causing Dinah to laugh.

"What should I say?" Camila asked as she reached for her phone that was on the nightstand, Dua then stood up and sat on the bed with her best friends. "Tell her "Hey girl, Dinah needs Normani's number for a science project."." Dinah said causing Camila and Dua to give her a look. "What?" Dinah asked innocently.

"Hey guys." Ariana said as her and Kylie walked into Camila's room. "Hey lovebirds." Dua said smirking. "What are you all doing in here?" Kylie asked curiously, as her and Ariana stood by Camila's bedroom door. "Chancho's trying to find the courage to message Lauren Jauregui." Dinah said simply, causing the couples eyes to go wide. "Lauren? As in YouTuber Lauren?" Ariana asked and Dua nodded, "That's the one." She said simply.

"Oh my god that's so exciting!" Kylie and Ariana said simultaneously as they both jumped onto Camila's bed. "I don't see what's so exciting about this. I'm just messaging another YouTuber." Camila said bluntly causing everyone to give her a look. "A bisexual YouTuber, who might add, is very single." Kylie said wiggling her eyebrows, causing Camila to furrow her eyebrows. "What does her being bisexual have to do with it?" She asked curiously and Dinah sighed exasperatedly.

"Because you're gay! She's already said that she thinks you have a nice ass, which means she could most likely be attracted to you. You're both single, and you both have a huge gay ass fanbase. Now that you've commented on her video people probably think you two know each other." Dinah explained, and Camila only stared at her. "I never thought about it that way. You guys are making me even more nervous!" She said, her voice an octave higher than it was before.

"Look! There's already comments saying things like "Date" and "Ship" and everything." Dua said, showing her phone to Camila. "We've never even interacted till now, how can fans already be shipping us?" Camila asked and Kylie shrugged, "Fandoms be like that. But I mean you gotta admit, Lauren's pretty hot." She said and Ariana nodded in agreement. "I can't even deny that." She said bluntly.

"Plus she also has that Cuban blood in her!" Dinah pointed out, "See! You two already have something in common." Dua joked and Camila only sighed. "But I-" Camila started but cut herself off when she heard the sound a phone makes whenever a message is being sent. "What was that?" Camila asked, "Oh, you were taking too long so I messaged her. I took a liberty of putting her number in your phone." Kylie said bluntly, causing Camila's eyes to go wide.

"What did you say to her?!" Camila asked in panic mode as she took her phone out of Kylie's hand. She stared at the phone and her face was priceless as she read the text Kylie had sent; "Aye little mama you got a nice ass ;)"

Dinah and Dua bursted into fits of laughter as they read the text over Camila's shoulders. "SHE'S GONNA THINK I'M A PERVERT." Camila yelled loudly causing Ariana to give her a look, "You are!" Ariana said. "So far you've said two things to this girl, both of those things were about her ass." Ariana pointed out and Camila made a face, "Oh my god... I am a pervert." Camila whispered under her breath.

"She's gonna think I'm weird forever." Camila said, burying her face in her hands. Just then, her phone went off, signaling that she got a text. She picked it up and saw Lauren's number on the screen, with a text saying; "Just a wild guess, but is this Camila?"

"She texted back!" Camila said, sounding much more excited than she intended to. She turned around to see all of her friends smirking at her.


A/n: Okay, I'll definitely be having Camren collab in a couple of chapters, but till then, who should make a video next? Dinah, kyriana, Dua, or Mani?

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