The pain of being hated

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Leo watched silently as Don explained to Mike that the mutergen wasn't far away. When suddenly he felt a hand round his throat and a hand round his mouth and felt himself being dragged backwards, he tried to call out but couldn't and the world started to go black before he heard someone shout and kick the person off of him and picked him up as he struggled for air and held him tight as he still couldn't see and thrashed out weakly.

"Leo its me calm down." Someone soothed

'Raph?' Leo thought as a sigh found its was from the leader, nothing had happened and he wasn't even hurt and he was laying here like a baby!

Leo tried to get up but felt dizzy and leaned against a wall, his vision still swirling when he saw 'it' 

"Wha?" Leo said looking at Raph then the 'thing' but had no time to act as 'it' flew towards him and swatted Raph away like a fly, 

"Let me finish him Raphael then we will be free!" He shouted as he lifted Leo up and grabbed a small knife he seemed to have brought with him and stabbed Leo's plastron again and again as Leo cried out in pain, thrashing wildly again and again trying to free himself.


"Here Raph you try!" He called out and threw me with the knife stiff stuck in my plastron. I landed weakly in font of my brother and winced and Raph lifted me up and threw a smoke bomb and carried/dragged me inside a small abandoned  building and leaned me against a wall, "Oh dear god." He said as he took off his belt and pressed against the wound I must of had, I coughed weakly, It. It had happened so fast, "D-don't!" I cried out as he pressed harder, "It h-hurts!"

"I-I know Leo but-but I gotta press, you-you don't want your belt all bloody hey?" He tried to comfort me but I couldn't listen, 

"Who was," *Cough "That guy?"

"You know Spike?" Raph asked and I nodded in pain, "That was Spike but he changed his name to Slash and he, he wanted to kill you and I couldn't get to you in time and-and"

"Calm down." I whispered stroking Raphs cheek as he pressed down onto the wound, "your fine, Donnie and Mikey are fine I'm fi-"

"You are not fine!" Raph yelled grasping me and hugging me tight against his chest, "Your wounded!" He cried "And its ALL my fault."

I could feel me world going black, "Raphie?" I called out weakly, 

He gasped and I knew he could tell I was gonna pass out or somthin' "Yeah?"

"Your T-phone." I said,

"Got it!" Raph said grabbing his T-phone which he had dropped earlier to grab his belt for the blood.

"Come on, come on, come on!" He yelled, "Donnie pick the fucking phone up!"

"Language." I laughed weakly, but soon turning into full on hacking and felt Raph hold me closer.

"Hello?" Don said, his face coming on the screen, 

"Need help now!" Raph yelled,

"What why?!?!" Donnie said,

"Its Leo, he he, we were attacked by something and Leo was stabbed about 5 times in his stomach please Don you gotta help him."

"Show me the damage." Don commanded.

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