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Jungkook's POV

I had a dream about marriage with Lisa and having twin babies and we were living together happily. I came back to reality when the sun rays hit my face, which I groaned and stretched my arms and felt someone beside me.

I opened my eyes and saw Lisa sleeping beautifully. I moved my body to the side and stared at her with a smile on my face.

How can she look this beautiful?

I didn't realize she was fully awake when I saw her opening her eyes, "Were you staring at me the whole time?"

Lisa chuckled in disbelief and hug me, while I smirked teasingly at her exposed skin, making me leaned in to kiss her neck and it had her finally woke up and got up surprisingly, "Yah!"

I giggled at her cuteness and got off the bed as well, making my way to the bathroom to take a shower, "It's your fault for exposing yourself. Don't blame me." 

Lisa followed me while stretching her body and came inside without hesitation. I was awe with her bravery, "By the way, how can I invite Dahee? I don't have her phone number?"

"Doesn't Junghyun have one?"

"Ah! That's right, I forgot! I'm nervous."

"Can't you leave already?"


I looked at her smugly and walked towards her, she was taken back as she took few steps back nervously, "What are you trying to do?"

I shrugged off my shoulders with my toothbrush in my teeth, "I'm going to take off my clothes and shower. I don't mind you watching me."

I closed the door right in front of her, knowing she'd turned red and yell, which I laughed for imagining it, "Yah! You pervert!"

Lisa's POV

I shook my head in disbelief at Jungkook for having a dirty-minded as I went back to my bed to call Junghyun. As soon as I dialed his number, he immediately answered, which was unexpected and I stuttered nervously, "H-Hello, oppa?"

It was a voice that I never thought I'd hear and realized it wasn't Junghyun, "Hello?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and his voice tone sounds familiar, but couldn't tell who it was, "Um? Who is this? Isn't this Junghyun's phone?"

"Ah, Junghyun? He's in the bathroom, why?"

"Oh, right! You're his co-worker, I'm sorry. Do you mind telling him to call me back?"

"I don't think I can do that because he's almost finished. Why don't you wait?"

"Uh, yeah I'll do that. Thank you."

This voice sounds really familiar.

"Yah, don't you remember my voice?"

"Eh? W-Well it does sounds familiar..."

"Sehun! Oh Sehun, you punk!"

I heard a bang noises from the phone and I figured it would be Junghyun, "Yah! Who gave you permission to touch my phone?!!"

Sehun: "I'm talking to my ex-girlfriend, so don't bother!"

Lisa: "Why's my brother with you, Sehun oppa?"

It has been so long since the last time we talked.

Sehun: "He didn't tell you? He will be sleeping here for 3 days because of his work."

Lisa: "I thought at his co-worker's house?"

Sehun: "Ah, he changed his mind at the last minute because I lived near his company."

A Change of Heart Pt.3 (Jungkook x Lisa)Where stories live. Discover now