Teenager (Hermione)

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Rose Weasley was now seventeen years old. And she was your girlfriend's daughter. You had always had a crush on Hermione but you didn't act on your feelings until after her divorce from Ron. You knew you had to tell her how you felt. And now here you were, two years later. Rose and Hugo absolutely adored you. And Hermione was completely in love with you. You didn't expect to be sitting in the kitchen with Rose crying though. She had asked you if she could talk to you in private and when you agreed she just started crying. So you had moved your chair next to her and held her. She finally composed herself and looked at you.

"I don't want you to tell mom yet. I want you to be the first person to know." She said.

"Okay Rose. Whatever you want." You nodded.

"I-I'm pregnant." She whispered, before choking out another sob. 

"Who's the father?" You asked, trying not to freak out on her.

"Scorpius." She told you as you wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Do you want to keep it?" You inquired.

"Yes." She answered without hesitation. 

"I think you should tell your mother. We will support you and help you but she needs to know." You said.

"Okay. I'll tell her when she gets home. Thank you, Y/N." She smiled softly at you.

She then went up to her room and you went into the living room. Hermione was going to freak out. She finally got home and you went upstairs to tell Rose. She looked nervous but you assured her that everything would be okay. You sat down in the living room next to Hermione, slipping your hand into hers. 

"Rose has something she wants to tell you. And I do know about it. But I just found out today while you were at work and Rose wanted to be the one to tell you." You told her.

Hermione nodded and gave you a smile before turning her attention to Rose.

"What is it, darling?" She asked her daughter.

"I, well... Mom, I'm pregnant." She told her. 

"Do you know who the father is?" Hermione inquired.

"Scorpius." Rose answered.

"Are you keeping it?" She asked.

"I want to." Rose said.

"Okay. Y/N and I will support you and help you. I'm sure Scorpius will also stick around. And I am sure that your father and brother will be supportive as well." Hermione told her.

Rose then came over and pulled the two of you into a tight hug.

"Thank you. For being the best parents ever. I love you guys." She smiled.

"We love you too, kid. Now get to bed. It's late and you need to rest." You said, giving her your best mom face.

She went up the stairs and you turned to Hermione. 

"You were more understanding than I expected." You told her. 

"She's my daughter. I can't change it. All I can do is love her and support her." Hermione smiled at you.

"You are an amazing mother." You grabbed her hand.

"So are you." She replied.

"I have a question for you." You said.

"What is it, love?" She looked at you.

"I know maybe this isn't a good time. But I love you Hermione Jean Granger. And I want to spend every single day of the rest of my life loving you. I want to officially be a mother to your children. Maybe we could even have one of our own. I don't know. What I want to know is... Will you marry me?" You asked, getting onto one knee and pulling out the ring you had bought.

"Of course I will." She wiped the tears from her face and you slipped the ring on her finger. 

You pulled her in for a hug but she kissed your lips instead. She took control of the kiss, biting your lower lip and running her hand through your hair while the other massaged your hip.

"Y/N, if you take me to bed right now I swear, I'll raise another kid with you." She rasped into your ear.

You smirked and carried her into the bedroom, whispering all of the naughty things you wanted to do to her to let her know that she was in for a long night. 

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