Chapter 1

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It's my first day on the job at the coffee shop. The coffee shop allows lights and darks so it's new to me. I honestly don't care about lights or a darks. But my friends are different. I can't help but wonder what my friends will think, I hope Sakura will be ok with it because she is already in love with a dark guy,she met him at the coffee shop. But Kiba and Hinata, Hinata I think won't exactly care but Kiba he is going to be tough. I decided I'm going to go talk to everyone before my sift starts. So I'm walking over to the park to tell them.

"Hey Naruto over here!" I heard Sakura scream from a mile away. I ran over to where she and others where.

"Hey guys." I say with a little bit of fear in my voice. I take a seat next to Sakura hoping she could protect me if Kiba comes at me.

"Hey Naruto." Hinata said.

"Hey dude what's up. You wanted to talk to us? Kiba asked.

"...Umm...ya about that..."

"Oh come on dude, stop stalling and tell us." Kiba said as he slapped my back.

"Ok. Just don't get mad." I said

"Naruto...why would we be mad?" Sakura asked a little worried.

"I'm starting a new job today at a coffee shop..."  but before I could finish Kiba jumped in.

"That's great man! I'm not mad at that!"

"Let me finish. I'm starting a new job at a coffee shop that is open to lights and darks." I said.

"WHAT!" They all say in unison. I at least thought Sakura would understand.

"Bro that's so insanely stupid you know how I am with darks, I just don't like them, like at all!" Kiba yelled at me.

"Naruto I agree with Kiba." Hinata said

Wow! Even Hinata disagrees with me. That like  never happens!

I was afraid to ask this but "Sakura what do you think..."

A minute passed and then. She took a deep breath and answered  "Ok I get it I'm in love with one dark, one! That doesn't mean I like them. In fact I hate them, I only like that one! Cause well he is very cute and hot and so sexy..."

"We get it, Sakura!" Kiba yelled getting her attention. "But, Naruto, why?"

"Unlike you guys I don't care if your a dark or light what's the difference besides the clothes? They are still human just like us! We shouldn't judge so quickly!" I said that with a little to much anger then I would have liked.

"Ok, fine whatever you can get a job there but I'm getting one too! Just to keep a eye on you." Kiba announced.

"WHAT! You can't be serious! Kiba you too? Help me out here Hinata." Sakura said.

"I honestly don't know anymore." Hinata said.

"I said only to keep a eye on him, and you know how popular Naruto is because of his looks." Kiba said quickly changing the subject.

"Cut that out Kiba I'm not that popular!"

"Oh yes you are." Sakura persisted.

"Ok maybe I am but it's only cause of my looks." Witch I find absolutely irritating that people judge you and think they know who you are from your looks. No one in my school even knew what I was like last year, and they still tried to date and become friends with me because of my looks.

"Thank you for admitting defeat." Sakura said as she nudged me a little bit.

Everyone started laughing and giggling. And I was also laughing.

"Guys I better start getting to work then my sift starts at 8:00 AM and it's 7:28 AM." I said looking down at my watch. My dad gave me this before he died. It's my most precious possession.

"Go on ahead then." Hinata said still trying to stop giggling.

"Ya have fun." Sakura said

"By the way man I was kidding about getting that job at the coffee shop." Kiba said admitting he wasn't going to go out and get a job.

"Oh I know, you've never had a job in your life." I said taunting him. "You should come by later though. I work till 4:00 PM."

"Sure why not we will all come by. Right guys?" Kiba said.

"Sure I'll come by around 3." Hinata said.

"I can come at 3 too." Kiba says. "Sakura what about you?"

"Sorry I can't I'm busy." Sakura said with a saddened toned.

"Oh that's okay, bye guys see you later!" I started to walk off then I heard Kiba yell.

"I'm still not okay with this. And I still don't like them."

"Same goes for me Naruto! Come on Hinata let's go." Sakura yells too.

I stared walking again. At least they didn't hit me or force me to quit on my first day. I started laughing to myself as I looked at my watch, 7:36 AM. I'll make it in time.


When I got to the shop it was 7:50 AM. I got inside and talked to the manager, apparently he's a dark named Pain. He gave me my uniform and told me start by taking orders and then telling the cook. And yes apparently this is a food shop as well. Who knew? So I did that for what felt like centuries. But I liked it here I met some of the other workers and they are all very nice. Temari who is a dark around 23 years old, Rock lee who is a light around 21 years old and Tenten who is a dark and around 21 years old. And the cook was Konan who is a dark. She didn't like me at first, but I think she's warming up to me.

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