Chapter 12

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"Uh fine I'll go but how far are we going to go when we get home?" I blushed at his question and thought about if I was ready to give it up yet.

I realized we have only been together for not even a day so definitely not all the way but what shocked me more was the fact that I was okay with going all the way but only if it was with him.

"N-Not all the way because we have only been together for a day. But pretty far I guess." I said. He smirked and kissed me on the lips lovingly. We stood up and started to get ready for our double date.

Naruto pov.

"Naruto you look so cute!" Ino yelled as she ran down the stairs and jumped on me.

"Thank you Ino. You also look very cute." I said smiling my biggest smile.

Sai and Sasuke were both in the corner sulking and being depressing about this double date. Wow they really are darks.

"Come on let's go!" Ino said as she grabbed Sai's hand and led him to the car.

"Are you ready?" I asked Sasuke.

"No...but I am ready for tonight." He said I blushed and grabbed his hand.

"Shut up." I said pouting.

———Time skip after the car ride———-

"Double for four." Sai said.

"This way" the waiter said and we followed him. "Here are your seats."

"Thank you." I said and smiled at the man as he was walking away.

Sai, Ino, Sasuke and me started talking about school, the party and people in our school when I started hearing some nasty comments.

"Can you believe that those darks are hanging around that wannabe light"


"Disgusting why would they bring a bubbly light here."

"Is that the over happy fake who acts like he is happy and hides his true self"

I had to leave. I know I shouldn't care about what they say but the comments were hitting to close to home.

"I am going to go to the bathroom." I said and Sasuke gave me a kiss on the cheek nodding ok.

"How revolting he even has the dark fooled into thinking he likes him"

"What a sad child"

"Stay away from that man okay"

I opened the bathroom door and ran into a stall. I tried to calm myself and not over react. I will not let these stupid bystanders comments mold me. I will be strong and I will go back out there with a even bigger smile.

I stayed in the stall for a couple more minutes until I heard the bathroom door open.

"Naruto? Are you okay?" I heard Sasuke say. I came out of the stall and smiled at him. I saw his face drop but I ignored it and kept smiling.

"Sorry I guess I lost track of time" I said as I giggled. "Let's get back to the table."

"Naruto come here." Sasuke said as I was about to open the bathroom door.

"Why we have to get back to the table silly." I said. Damn that was out of character when do I ever say silly.

I felt hands grab my shoulders and my back hitting the hard wall.

"Don't lie to me." Sasuke said. This shocked me no one has ever been able to see through my mask.

"How am I lying to you." I asked knowing that I have a mask on.

"Look Naruto we are talking when we get home okay. I have known you for as long as I can remember and you might not know this but I can see through your mask." Sasuke said as he  released me and kissed me on the lips. "I like you Naruto and we are together now you don't have to hide yourself anymore. I like all of you."

I was shocked to say the least. I hugged him and he hugged back we stayed like that until he broke the silence.

"Let's go back." He said I nodded and smiled a genuine smile at him.

The entire rest of the dinner I didn't hear any of the mean comments people were saying. All I was thinking about was Sasuke and I's conversation.

——time skip after dinner I am lazy——

Sasuke Pov.

Naruto was sleeping on my shoulder and I didn't want to wake him up because he looks so cute and he was fast asleep. I didn't know where he lived so I grabbed his phone to see if he had his parents number in there.

I was surprised to see that his phone did not have a passcode. I added my number and went through his contacts. He had Sakura, Ino, Kiba, Shikamaru and Hinata but no Mom and Dad. Is he like me with no parents? How is he so happy if he has no one to come home to. Is he faking everything! I thought he was faking some things but not all. I will need to talk to him a lot tomorrow but tonight he still owes me a little session in my bedroom.

I took Naruto home with me and carried him into my room. He was waking up so I started to grab most of the stuff I might need.

Naruto Pov.

"Naruto wake up baby. We are home." I heard someone say in a husky voice.

"Mm couple more minutes." I said tired. I heard someone sigh then open and close the door loudly. My eyes shot open and I realized I was Sasuke's room and that he just left mad.

Wait why was he mad. What time is it? I looked at my phone and saw that it was 7:45 at night. Night? Night. Oh night I promised to...I instantly blushed remembering what I promised. No wonder he is mad. Mm I will fulfill my promise. I never go back on my word!

I looked in Sasuke's draws for a change of clothes that would be more fun. I found a way oversized sweat shirt that had a crescent looking thing on the back and kept the underwear I had on because it was already fun. I heard Sasuke in the kitchen and smiled. I opened the bedroom door then went down the stairs. To see Sasuke in the kitchen looking at me. His mouth was gaped and I smirked. I made my way to to him.

~~~ POSTED 6/17/18 ~~~

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👍🏻1097 words👍🏻


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