A New Girl?

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Levi's P.O.V

I was walking down the halls to make sure these brats were cleaning. We finally had a rest from saving humanity; the least these cadets can do is clean up their filth. As I kept walking, more and more Cadets whispered amongst themselves that I was here. Everyone seemed to work harder when I grazed by; I'll just make them work harder next time.

I turned on my heels and started to walk back to my office when I heard a high pitched scream. I whipped my head around and saw none other than Eren and his group running down the hall. These three are always trouble.

"Jaeger, what's the meaning of this?" I stated coldy, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Corporal sir! We were cleaning the halls when a girl randomly appeared! She scared half of us to death! She sat by the windows just staring at us. Mikasa tried to attack her, but she completely dodged her attempts! She won't answer to us or move sir! She's still there I believe, but we stopped cleaning!" Eren yelled, flinching as he waited for my response.

I signed and rubbed my temple. It's just a simple stupid girl, how hard is it to get her down?

"Who were the ones that found the girl?"

Armin and Eren both stepped forward. Eren's face was a pink shade of embarrassment as Armin saluted and stared at me, waiting for orders. Eren soon saluted as well as I glared at them.

"Arlert, Jaeger, you both will run 10 laps after this situation. Figure out who screamed while you're at it; I can't be having any interruptions during these times. Ackerman you go run and get Hanji. The rest of you keep cleaning, that's an order!"


The others went back to cleaning as Eren and Armin led me to their cleaning spot. I looked around until my eyes met her. I narrowed my eyes and stared at her. She looked over at me briefly before rolling her eyes. She then looked back to the window, completely ignoring me.

"Who are you? State your name and business," I said in my usual monotone voice.

"The name is (y/n) (l/n)," She replied bluntly, never looking away from the window.

I was about to yell at her again when Hanji came running in. She looked all around until her eyes locked on (y/n). She tried talking to her but she said nothing; she didn't even look at her. Hanji then tried to get up to the window to touch her but the girl dodged her hand, moving to the other side. I started getting annoyed so I let out a sigh, walking forward.

"Oi (l/n), get down here right now. That's an order," I said as she looked at me, rolling her eyes.

"I take it that you're in charge here? Very well."

She jumped down from the window and landed on her feet with ease. She looked at me with a curious gleam in her eyes, watching my carefully. With her right in front of me, I decided to take a thorough look at her.

She had (h/c) hair with (e/c) eyes. Her lips were a light pink and her skin was (s/c) yet pale at the same time. She didn't have any shoes on, which completely disgusted me. She wore a white short sleeve dress that went down to her knees. A (f/c) ribbon tied above her waist like a belt. Hanji slowly moved down from the window and tried sneak attacking her, but (y/n) simply moved out of the away again.

"It seems like she only responds to corporal Levi," Armin said as she turned towards him, eyeing him down.

She stepped forward, carefully walking towards Armin. She stopped moving when she was inches from his face. A small blush grew on his face as they stared each other down. Armin's eyes began is scan her face until he met her gaze again; Moments later,  his eyes widened. The color slowly began to drain from his face as he glanced over at me with fearful eyes.

"What is it Arlert," I asked as he saluted once again.

"Corporal Levi sir! Hanji needs to run tests on her now!" He yelled back, taking me a bit back.

What is so important that we need to run tests on this brat? For all we know, she could have diseases and she's disgustingly filthy.

Before I could say no, Hanji pushed past practically jumping for joy. I looked over to (y/n) to see her glaring at Armin. I could feel Armin's fear as he cowered back into Eren. I looked back over to (y/n) to see her attention fully on me now.

I'll just let Hanji run some tests and then she'll be out of my hair. I can't risk my cadets getting sick, especially since we're so close to being free from these filthy flesh eating titans.

"(l/n), go with hanji now. Let her run her tests. That's an order, obey it," I said as she nodded, following hanji.

Everyone looked to me for orders as I raised my hand. They nodded and went back to cleaning. I walked over to my office and closed the door. I took a stack of paper work and put on my reading glasses, distracting myself from the events today.

Erwin and his bloody paperwork. I can never catch a break can I?

I pushed back my chair and stood up, going over to make myself some tea. Once the liquid touched my lips, I felt somewhat relaxed. Walking back to my desk, I began working again.

Paperwork after paperwork of Eren's expenses and how much chaos he caused us. He's one expensive cadet that's for sure. If he wasn't such an idiot, maybe we all could of been free by now.

We all know he's the "savior" of our world, but does he have to be so bloody expensive? He's just a kid who can barely fight to save his life. We need someone smarter, someone stronger. Like that'll ever happen.

Well isn't this interesting?(aot levi x titan shifter reader)Where stories live. Discover now