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Life had felt sweet. It was my first day off in weeks and since I had this whole new huge house to myself I invited Liz, Hayley, Gwyneth, and Scarlett over for the day. Us girls had all gotten the day off of set so we quickly used it to our advantage. I still of course went to work in the morning with Zach. We had developed our cast and we were mostly in table reads and stuff still. But as soon as I got home I napped for a good two hours then met up with my girls.

"So Esther, how's the new home treating you" Liz asked sipping her wine. I chuckled as I sipped mine as well.

"It's amazing. I honestly can't believe we did this. All in a week too" I replied as I brushed Scooters fur. His head laid on my lap as we sat on the couch and I was trying to do everything I could to forget about the appointment me and Chris had scheduled tonight to put him down.

"And I promise Lily will be so taken care of with me. I was so happy when you offered for her to literally stay with me full time and you can visit her anytime" I chuckled as Liz continued on.

"I know she's in good hands" I reached over and squeezed her hand which caused her to send me a smile.

"Alright I'm gonna go straight out and ask the question of the hour. How good was the move in sex?" Hayley's mouth dropped at Scar's question and I watched as she slapped her leg causing me and Liz to die laughing.

"You can't say stuff like that!" Hayley scolded her and Scar joined our laughing.

"Cmon Hayley she's dating Christopher Blonde Ambition Evans and you think I'm not gonna ask her how good in bed he is. I already know he's a good kisser from working with him for years" Scar said and I laughed.

"If you need to know it was great, as always. And that's where I'm leaving that" I told them and Scarlett smirked as Hayley covered her ears and Liz continued laughing at the banter.

"What we should be talking about is the fact I've been so busy that the longest time I've spent with him alone was during that moving in sex" I said and they nodded. I could tell I made them uncomfortable but it was true. I rarely saw him. The longest we'd be together was while we were sleeping at night. I'd leave for work early as well as he and then he would usually get home early depending on certain scenes and I'd be filming late from showing up late and by the time I got home he'd either be asleep or half asleep.

"Well he knows your busy. It's frustrating being in relationship when you both have busy jobs" I nodded slowly but I don't think they understood what I was truly saying. We rarely talked and we could talk, we could make more effort. We could spend more time with each other if we really worked at it.

"Now, let's get some more wine"

Puppy Love // Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now