Chapter 17: I'm a Hopeless Romantic

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 *~ Tory ~*

~ 4 Hours Later ~

Something's poking me. In the head. It's quite annoying. "Victorya."

I shake my head and I feel another poke - harder this time. "Victorya."

I sigh in defeat and now it's time to wake up. I sit up, rubbing my eyes. "What? Where am I?"

"Victorya, you're at the hospital in my room. Sleeping on my bed." Jaykob says and my vision focuses, everything coming back. "You fell asleep, like an hour and a half ago."

I stretch, "And you just watched me? While I slept? That's kinda creepy, Jaykob."

He rolls his eyes. "No, Victorya, I also managed to fall asleep. Brody just woke me up."

"What was up? I thought he was with Muse at practice?" I ask.

"Nope, Dustin went with her and practice should have ended by now, actually. Brody came up to tell me about Muse and Lukas." Jaykob says, making a face. "Apparently they were 'exchanging DNA' in the rain earlier. He took pictures and decided that I needed to see them."

"They were kissing in the rain? Oh my gosh, I would have melted if I saw it." I gush. I'm a hopeless romantic, okay? Sue me.

"Not for me. Seeing those pictures was worse than when I walked in on her and Blake having sex." Jaykob says, his voice filled with disgust.

"How is kissing worse than sex? I'd think it would be the other way around." I say, tilting my head to the side.

"Sex isn't gross - it's human, it's instinct, hell, if you're smart about it, it's safe. That's fine and's neutral territory, I know what I'm doing. But feelings - what Brody showed me in those photos? Those are scary. They're new." Jaykob shutters, "That shit will fuck you up worse than any kind of drug."

"I take it that you've never had a girlfriend before then?" I say.

"Exactly. I've had sex partners and booty calls, but the second feelings get involved - I'm out. There's no room for feelings or romantic partners in my life." Jaykob says. He then looks at me, "Have you?"

"Have I had a girlfriend?" I ask, jokingly.

"Well, anybody, really. A girlfriend, a boyfriend?" Jaykob clarifies.

"No. Never been romantically interested in or attracted to anybody." I admit, feeling my cheeks go red. Feeling embarrassed, I stutter "You know what? I'm starving. I'm going to go get something from the cafeteria. You want anything?"

Jaykob looks startled and shakes his head, I nod and quickly exit room. 'Oh, sweet Hershey's chocolate! Now he'll think I'm a total loser and never want to talk to me again!' I think, making my way to the cafeteria. Then I stop.

Wait. Since when have I ever given a crap about what Jaykob Nyght thought of me? Why do I care now? Get over yourself, Tory. My inner monologue tells me and I can't help but agree with myself.

When I get to the cafeteria, I look at my options and see that soup looks good, especially since I just found out it's been raining outside. While I'm standing in line, I see a chocolate bar that's calling my name. After a moment's contemplation, I grab it and pay for the two items, then head upstairs back to Jaykob's room. I reach the third floor and decide to stop by the nurse's station to put off going back to the awkward situation that I left in Jaykob's room. Thankfully Lucy is there, chatting with another nurse.

Lucy sees me and grins, "Going back to your Prince Charming?"

I make a face, "Jaykob Nyght as my Prince Charming? Please."

"Well, sugar, you know it's none of my business, but you've been spending a lot of time in there today." Lucy says, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Of course, he's my friend and Muse is at football practice with Dustin." I say, shaking my head at her.

"Yeah. Sure. Friend. Whatever you say, Tory." the other nurse says, sharing a look with Lucy. Before I can respond, an older man approaches the desk. Out of the corner of my eye, I see that he's wearing khaki pants, a blue button up, and a black tie loosened around his neck. He's slightly wet from the rain, but once I get a better look at him I realize that he's Mr. Nyght. I recognize him from that day of the accident.

"Excuse me, is my son awake? His name is Jaykob Nyght." he says. "I'm his father. My name is Daniel Nyght."

"Um, sir, excuse me." I say, catching his attention. "I'm a friend of Jaykob's and I was just heading to his room. He's very much awake. Would you like to see him?"

Mr. Nyght nods gratefully and I lead the way to Jaykob's room. I knock on the door to gain his attention as I enter and he looks up curiously, "What's up, Victorya?"

I motion to Mr. Nyght standing behind me. "Your dad is here, Jayke."

I step aside so Mr. Nyght can enter the room. Jaykob swallows nervously, "Dad?"

Mr. Nyght grins and I notice tears filling his eyes, "Jaykob, son -"

Mr. Nyght is cut off by the other Nyght sibling: Muse. She squeezes her fists, trying to keep herself calm, "Dad?"

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