Chapter 2: I May Be a Delinquent But I Do Have Manners

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(Muse Nyght)

My morning starts just like it usually does; with my older brother playfully screaming for me to make him some food.

Rolling my eyes in the mirror at my brother's dramatics, I exit my room and yell as I'm walking down the stairs, "Or how about one of you get off your lazy asses and do it your damned selves!!"
I walk into the kitchen and see the four lazy guys that I live with and love (well, like, most of the time) sitting at the counter, grinning like idiots.These four idiotic morons are my best friends and family -- not that we're related by blood (except for my brother and I), we're just five teenagers living together, because my parents hate my brother and I (mostly me). They decided to move out of their house and get an apartment closer to the city, so they could get away from us. Almost the second they left, a thirteen year old me and my fourteen year old brother called our three childhood best friends and it's been like this ever since. Since I have to cook them their breakfast, let me tell you about us, because we are awesome as all hell.
First there's my big brother, Jaykob Nyght. He's almost six feet tall, has black hair and dark green eyes (a trait we both got from our Mother), an attitude twice his size and an ego as big as the Millennium Tower. He is considered the "Lord Badass" on campus (you know, whenever he does show up), but not to me. No, to me he's still my little 'Jaykie-Cakes.' He's a sarcastic little shit that gives no shits about anyone's rules. To people that don't live with him, he can seem intimidating, but that's just a facade that is helped with his height, resting bitch face, and scars from his random bar fights. In reality, he's a teddy bear that loves Spongebob.

Next there's my best friend/ultimate partner in crime; Brody Black. With ADD and almost childish instincts, Brody has medium length black hair that is usually tied back with a bandana of some sort and some whole screamo band type eyeliner going on around his dark brown eyes.

Then there's Dustyn Rayn, who's got this "silent, yet deadly" aura going on for him. He's really tall (over six feet) and is really well muscled, with spiky dirty blonde hair, these ocean blue eyes that have most girls' panties dropping to the floor, and most days has a 2 day stubble.

Him and Jayke are the two most intimidating guys on campus in different ways. Jayke is very open about his intimidation, getting all up in people's business and picking fights, while Dustyn just lurks in the corner with his arms crossed. He hardly doesn't yell unless he absolutely has to; I've seen it happen, like, twice and it was the scariest thing I've ever seen.

Then there's Blake Evans; our resident man whore/player than can be considered my brother's other half. Despite his well-known "hump then dump" philosophy, girls still crush on him and practically throw themselves at him wherever he goes, thinking they'll be the one to change him. He is cocky, arrogant and considers himself to be the ultimate shit with his almost bleach blonde hair and crystal blue eyes.

Saving the best for last, there's me: Muse Nyght, sixteen year old badass extraordinaire. I have blonde hair that is dyed black on the underside and reaches the middle of my back, dark green eyes, a silver piercing in the side of my nose, three matching rings in my ears, black gadges in my lobes, a blue tongue ring, and two tattoos: a trail of music notes wrapping around my left wrist like a bracelet and the words, "I don't suffer from my insanity -- I enjoy every minute of it," in cursive on my ribs.

I snap out of my thoughts when I set down the pan that holds the boys' breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of them. As I watch them argue over who gets how much of what, I can't help but smile adoringly at my little insane family.

"Blake!" Brody whines. "You stole my bacon, you douche-wad."

Blake snickers as he smugly takes a huge bite of the bacon he stole from Brody. Brody crosses his arms and glared at the man-whore, huffing, "Dick."

Delinquents and an Innocent (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now