Chapter 22: Let's Go Right Now, Sir Limps-a-Lot

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*~ Lukas POV ~*

I begin to wander off in the direction that Dustin said that Tory and Jayke went in, while the others go to check out our books from the librarian at the front desk. It was decided that everyone was getting too antsy to continue being productive, so it was agreed that getting food was a good idea. Quietly, I call, "Tory? Jayke?"

I hear noise and movement coming from the Romance section, so I peek down the aisle. I see Tory and Jayke standing really close together, but Tory's cheeks are tomato red and her eyes are shining with tears, while Jayke is staring at the floor, looking shameful.

I rub the back of my neck, awkwardly. "Hey, guys. What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, we're fine. I just needed a minute." Tory mutters, wiping at her cheeks and speed walking past me.

I look at Jayke with confusion, "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, just worried. She's not used to the consequences of being friends with us." Jayke says, not looking at me. I'm confused by what that means, but decide not to ask.

"Oh. Well, I just came to tell you guys that we're going to go get some food, if you're down for that?" I say and Jayke's face lights up.

"I'm always down for food, man. Do you even have to fuckin' ask?" he asks with a forced and tense grin.

"Everyone else is checking out the books, then we're supposed to meet at the cars." I say and he starts to walk away, but I stop him with a hand on his shoulder. "Jayke, be honest with me, are you okay?"

"Just got a lot on my plate right now, that's all." he says and I know he's not telling me the full truth.

"What about you and Tory? Are you two okay? I hope I wasn't interrupting anything." I ask, gently.

"Yeah, you were. You were interrupting a very awkward and tense situation, though. So, thanks for saving me from that." Jayke answers and I give him a look, so he sighs. "We kissed."

"I'm sorry, what? She let you kiss her? Dang, I never thought that she would ever give that up." I say, shocked.

"I was her first kiss?! Jesus, fuck, man. That's just fuckin' great." Jayke says, glaring and walking away. This time I let him go, still really confused. I shake my head and follow Jayke.

I can't help but smile when I see Muse arguing with the librarian. The girl could argue with a brick wall if it pissed her off enough. I walk over and as I get closer, I can hear her arguing in a hushed whisper, "I'm sorry, Ms. Librarian-Lady, but I don't see how it's any of your business why we need all of these books. Now will you let us check out before their arms break off, for fuck's sake?"

"Or, you know, you could always take a few." Dustin mutters, glaring at Muse from around the large stack of books in his arms.

Muse turns around to glare at him, "You're the one who insisted that we take the books home, you jack-ass. I wanted to make photocopies."

Dustin's about to argue back, but Tory says, "Guys! Stop it! Can we just check out and leave already?!"

I notice that her hand is on a trembling Brody's back and by the look of worry on Muse's face, I think that she notices it too. She turns back to the librarian and I take some books from each of the boys. "Where's Jayke?"

"He went outside to the car in kind of a rush. Didn't say a word to anybody." Dustin answers, seriously. I nod, still confused as to why he's acting like this.

We finally get all of the books checked out and loaded into Dustin's car. Tory, Muse, and Brody sit on the hood, with Dustin, Jayke, and I standing across from them.

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