Reader x Artist!Dolph

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A/N: I apologize for the inactivity. I had trouble writing this chapter without making unnecessary cringe jokes. I also contemplated on trashing the update I gave you guys, but I decided not to do that, since it would just be disappointed and unexpected to do so. Anyways, enjoy this chapter!

I paced around the art gallery, looking at the basic art around me. Well, not really basic but so abstract that they basically all look the same. At least, in my point of view. I came across the same old same old landscape painting of he city that the art gallery was in. As if I hasn't seen the gross trash on the sidewalk, and the pigeons. The fucking pigeons, I don't understand the appeal to those birds. All they do is poop on your head, and even worse your food. I grimace at a repulsive memory coming back to haunt me, but continue walking around the gallery, hands folded behind my back. 

That's when I see it. A painting that's not actually the city. I walk up to it closer, and get a better look. There were mostly dark greens and blues but in the center was a big red fire. It was a camp fire. Kids were in their camp shirts, and the staff had a guitar, and there was a weird man, with a hook for a hand. This was very personal, I felt. 

As I was admiring the painting a man showed up beside me, seemingly looking at the painting as well. I took notice, and glanced over at him. He was around my height, a bit taller. A little conversation wouldn't hurt, would it. "This is a really good painting compared to those other ones isn't it. It just stands out." The man nods, smiling. "You think so?" He says. I nod, "Yes! The way the outdoors, the actual outdoors, not just miles and miles of city, but miles and miles of nature, just stands out in this gallery." 

"Really?!" He says a bit more excited, I turn to look at him, and see him excitingly smiling. It seemed like he was celebrating. He turns to look at me, "Are you one of those art critics that are walking around the premises? I'm really glad you looked at my work!"

Of course he had to be the artist of this fantastic piece, and of course he had to mistake me as an art critic. I shook my head no, waiting for the look of disappointment to fall onto his face. 

He frowns a little bit, but a smile returns to his face, "No worries! It is alright! At least, someone appreciates my artwork." 

I was surprised. Most artists would reveal their facade, and ignore the non-critic. But, this was refreshing to see. An artist appreciating a regular persons opinion on their work. I should have left it with him accepting the praise, but I found myself talking to him more and more. 

"I mean. Who wouldn't appreciate this work. It's refreshing, the clear night sky, the stars, the camp fire. It reminds me of my childhood. With camp." 

I see the man perk up, "Oh yes! Camp! That's my inspiration. I went to a camp when I was younger, and this is what it was like." I smiled, that was nice. 

I continue to admire the piece of artwork. 



"So, there was a man with only one hand there? And to replace that hand he had a --"

"A hook." He replies, "Actually it changes every so often sometimes." I was in shock, but I laughed it off. "Oh that's. Interesting." He nods, "Yeah..."

"So what's your name?" He asks the sudden question. I look at him, contemplating whether or not to give it to him. "It's Y/N"

"Well, Y/N thank you for admiring my work. Are you a fellow artist?" I shook my head, "Not really. I dabble in the arts, but I don't really fully immerse myself in it, you know?" I placed a hand at the nape of my neck. 

"What's your name?" I asked him. "It's Dolph."


"Well Dolph." I scan his face with my eyes. His black hair was long and probably gelled back. It was fitting for him. "Maybe, I'll try art as more than a thing I do once and a while. I really think this has inspired me." His face glows, "Really? Then, maybe I can help." He goes into his back pocket and takes out a card, "Here." It seemed to be his work card, but it just had a number on it. "Call me anytime you decide to make it more than a hobby." I smile, "Yeah, I will." I took the card gratefully, and smiled. This could be the start of something brand new. 

A/N: Reader X Artist!Dolph part 2 will take a super super long time to make because Dolph, personally doesn't have any appeal to me, besides the fact that he's a cute kid. Basically he has the appeal of a 10 year old child who likes drawing. I think that makes sense. Anyways, I will start writing the next one shot.

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