Reader X Daniel

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A/N: I'll end up saving the Jasper one shots for much later. So have two Daniel X Readers in a row!!

"I ALMOST DROVE HIM OVER! I SHOULD GET TO APOLOGIZE!" I yell, pleading the nurse to let me through and into the man's hospital room.

"But, only family members are able to see him when he's at this state--"

I stomped my foot on the ground, ouch. I shouldn't have done that. I suck in the pain, and quickly stare down the nurse, "Don't try to fool me. I heard a few of you guys talking about how he doesn't have any family! That's really sad!" I say frowning. The nurse backs away, giving in to my deathly stare. "Fine! Alright. But, you should know that he'll be pretty hazy." The nurse walks away to give me room to open the door. I open the door slowly and see the blonde haired man laying in his bed. Eyes wide awake. The door creaks, and I see his eyes quickly shift to look at me. "Who are you?" he says, his voice deep. I grab one of the chairs from the side of the room and place it beside his bed. "Look I found you at the side of the road, all bloody and bruised. I almost--" I emphasize on the word more, "Almost. Drove you over and I want to apologize to you." I say hanging my head over my shoulders, awaiting a response form the man.

"Where am I?" He says, seemingly ignoring what I just said to him. I perk my head up, "Sleepy Peak Hospital?" I say. His eyes widen, "The hospital?" He grabs onto the blanket that was over his body and notices the hospital clothing. "Where are my clothes?" He says frantically. "They were bloody, so the nurses threw them out." "They better have..." He mutters under his breath. I lean in closer, "Did you say something?" He jumps back in the bed, creating distance between us. "Oh. Sorry." He says looking away from me. I shake my head, "No! Don't say sorry! It's me who has to apologize. You see..." I then began to repeat myself, "I almost drove over you by the road."

He looks at me, "I see."

"Um. Are you alright, right now? When I found you, you lost a lot of blood. I mean a lot." I see his jaw tighten, was he gritting his teeth?

Before I knew it he was smiling, and in a weird monotonous voice he says, "Yes I'm quite alright actually." "Well, if you say so." I place my hands on my knees, leaning in forward. I sigh, "Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Y/N." He gave me a face. I guess it was strange for me to introduce myself. I slouch, "Sorry. That was weird of me." He looks up, smiling, "Oh no no no. It is absolutely fine! My name is Daniel. Nice to meet you Y/N." He holds out his hand, and I shake it. But, I did find it weird that a man who was admitted into the hospital with such 'serious' injuries would be so cheerful. 

"So what were you doing at the side of the road?" I ask. I see his eyes twitch a bit, "Oh..." 

"I think I was at a camp, but then I wasn't anymore." He says. But, he said it in such a way that gave me shivers down my spine. Whenever he talked his voice seemed to have a deep growl, as if he just woke up. Maybe that was it! I never considered the possibility that he was just tired, and probably just being polite of my presence! "Oh!" I say a bit too loudly. 

He raises a brow. 

"You must be tired. Anyways I did what I had to do. I apologized and I hope you accept my apology." I stand up and turn away to head towards the door. 

"Wait!" He calls out to me. I stop and turn back, "Yes?"

He frowns, "Give me your contact information." The way he said it was a bit unnerving. then, I realized he had no family. He must need some support, and maybe I'm the only one who's available to give it to him. I smile gratefully, but just to make sure, "Oh. But why?" 

"Just in case. If people ask why I was stained with blood, you're here to back me up." 

"How so?" I say raising a brow, while writing my phone number on a piece of paper." 

"Well..." He looks up. "Because I told you I don't remember anything. Remember?" He says smiling. "I told you that I was at a camp. And then I wasn't anymore..." 

"Oh! That makes sense!" I say, whilst handing him my number. "Thanks." he says, giving me a smile that seemed different than all the others he was throwing at me. 

A/N: Okay I am ending this one shot here. But there is a reason. I will publish the reason next chapter. And I need absolutely at least 70% of you guys active and participating in what I will post. 

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