Actor!Reader x Director!Preston

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"Remember! Passion! Your character is inching closer and closer to Marcus'. Sell this to me! We need perfection!" He was definitely strict. And it was hard to please the director, when he had such a precise vision on what he wants. I nod, taking in every word he threw at me. I inched closer to my co-actor, bringing my hands closer and closer near his body. The orchestra begins playing a calm tune. Come on, this needs to be perfect right here right now. "Marcus. Stay." I caress my hands on the actor's cheek. "No, I shouldn't. You know my situation ." The next scene was the one was apparently having the most trouble with. Preston kept on stopping us when it happened. I swept my head to the side, looking down at the stage floor. Then quickly I look back and look at the actor straight in the face. Alright, it's coming. The music was getting quieter and quieter, and then seemingly silent waiting for me to go on their cue. Okay, think. Passionate. I think back to one of my old relationships.

No. That wasn't smart. Now, I'm feeling a bit disgusted right now. I stare at my co-actors face. It seemed like he was waiting for it, so I just went for it. Our lips smushed against each other's. Fuck. I think we hit each other's teeth. We bounce, taking a step back. I was holding my front teeth in pain, and I could feel my face getting redder by the minute. I look into the rows of seat in front of the stage and see Preston, his face saying it all. "Y/N! Exactly how hard is it to kiss someone passionately!" He stands up and looks directly at me. My co-actor goes up to me, and places a hand on my back. It sends shivers down my spine, all I could think of was that really bad date I had with an ex. It seemed like he was yelling at Preston now, "Come on! You're making Y/N nervous! She's got this." He looks to smile at me, and I try to force a smile out of me as well, but I just couldn't do it. Preston sighs, "They don't feel their character enough in this scene. They kiss Marcus, so he doesn't leave them! It's absolutely simple. Even I can do it." I feel a chuckle escape from my mouth. I could feel Preston's stare upon me, "Why Y/N, would you spare the time to tell me what's so hilarious." I stop chuckling and look up to see what kind of look Preston had on his face. It was so serious, I couldn't tell what he was thinking. "It's nothing." I tried avoiding eye contact. We hear the drop of his clipboard onto the edge of the stage ledge. He was coming up to the stage. He walks up to me, and leans in close, "We will take a break. By the time that break is over, please, if so help me God, please get the scene right." He stands up straighter. I frown looking down, "Yes sir."

I hear my co-actor's voice call out to me, "I'll help you with the scene--" Just as I was about to decline his offer, Preston did it for me? "No. Your chemistry on stage is atrocious. Don't waste your time Y/N." I sigh, how could I possibly do a kissing scene by myself, "Then, who's gonna go through the lines with me?" Preston scoffs, "I guess I'll have to do."


I followed Preston with my eyes, watching him as he paced around the stage. We were alone, and the rest of the cast and crew members decided to take a lunch with the break Preston gave us. "Is this one of your techniques on giving your best performance? Pacing non-stop? Preston, I'm sorry but it doesn't seem all that practical. How long of a break do you intend to give me, anyways?" Preston stops, he had a hand placed gently on his chin. "Your right." He sighs, and I roll my eyes, "You're supposed to be helping me remember? Plus, you're not even the one I'm going to be kissing during the opening night." I cross my arms. He gasps, "But, I must make it seem that way for you to truly understand the character. Now, you shouldn't be complaining dear. You're the one that isn't satisfying the director's taste. Working with me, may be the only chance to make you understand." I blanked out, was he serious?

"You know what? I'm totally fine with doing this by myself."

Preston raises a brow, "Oh really? So you would rather do the same scene over and over again in front of the rest of the cast, instead of staying here and letting me help you? What is it with you and this scene Y/N? Tell exactly why you can't do it."

I look down, "I can't do it with him." Preston inches closer to me, "You can't?" I look at Preston, "Yeah! It's just whenever I do it, I think about older relationships. Trying to find the passion that you keep talking about." Preston leans closer towards me, and with a quiet voice, almost like a whisper he says, "Then, don't think. Just do." Before I can say anything, Preston was kissing me. I looked on, shocked, but before I knew it myself I found him deepening the kiss. He gently grabbed onto the back of my head bringing our bodies closer together. I felt my face get red. Finally, we release each other.

"Okay what the hell Preston?!" I wiped my mouth, saliva was stained on the sides on my lips. Preston wipes his mouth as well and with a handkerchief. "Well, that was better than expected." He mumbles, then says, "Do you understand it now?" What the hell did he mean?! He just kissed me! "I think I was too busy, getting suffocated by your--" I stutter, "Y-your mouth." Preston sighs, "Well, I was trying to show you the passion you need to show. If any lingering thoughts of some bad relationships are in your head, just get rid of them and just do it."

"Just do it?!" My face was still red from shock. "Yeah. Didn't you feel it? The passion of that kiss? I didn't think, I just did." He smiles. It's as if he didn't see my face. He finally looks up to see my face, bright red. He sighs, "If you can't feel it. Just do it like I did, except in the context of the whole play." The doors open and the cast comes back from their break. "Great timing! Back to practice on that scene! Get to work you two!" Preston's expression becomes serious once again.

So me and my co-worker got up on stage. I felt Preston's gaze on me again, and I couldn't help but think about that kiss. Then an idea hit me.

The music was quieting, soon the whole theatre was silent. I grabbed the actor my his back and pulled him closer towards me. I kiss him, just like how Preston kissed me. Was it weird that I thought of that? I deepen the kiss, then after a while I release him. "Don't leave me, Marcus."

"Stop!" Preston yells.

(This part may be a bit OOC if not already.)

"This is wrong. Maybe the scene needs to be longer."

I widen my eyes, I didn't want that. "No! I don't think I'll be able to do that scene for any longer than it needs to be." Preston smirks, "Well, then maybe I'll just have to go through the lines with you again." I felt my face get hotter. "And maybe get you a new co-star. Sorry Jeremy, but your on stage chemistry is horrible. You can go back to doing stage crew." Jeremy! That was his name!

"Who'll be the male lead then?" He asks. Preston looks up at me, "Well, since I'm helping Y/N with their lines, and helping them with this scene. The answer is simple." He takes a deep breath, and lets out a short measly, "Me."

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