Chapter 2

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Within the two seconds of the swing, the cat had transformed into a person. It was too dark to make out the shape of the face. The only significant thing I remembered were the ears on the head of the person.

Bare skin wrapped around my body. Arms pushed my head into the chest. I shut my eyes once again and felt a push backwards.

The blow had landed; it wasn't on me. The bat made contact to the back of the bare-skinned man. The man mumbled something inaudible. Everything was black; I fainted.

Voices echoed in my head. A sharp pain went through my head. It felt like gunshots on both sides of my head. I slowly opened my eyes and squinted. Blurry figures stood around me.

"Where am i?" I managed to cough out.

"The hospital. It's been a day and night." 174 spoke, "someone call in the doctor."

"I'll go," a thin girl left the room and as the door was closing I spotted the cat and flashbacks came into my mind.

"Do you remember what happened? It seemed as if you slipped and hit your head." the doctor said pushing his way through the crowd.

I sat up and explained everything that I remembered, including the cat transformations.

"Oh," the doctor said, scribbling onto his clipboard, "You must have really hit your head. I guess he was telling the truth."

"Who's he?" I jolted up and grabbed onto the doctor's sleeve.

"Last night a boy about your age came in carrying you across his arms. He was completely naked with strange tattoos along his body. We assumed it was a criminal but he put you down and said that a student had fainted as he was taking his walk." The doctor said not making any eye contact, "I told my men to go after him, but he was nowhere to be found." He looked up from his clipboard and asked again, "do you remember what happened  last night?"

"I was atta-," I paused, "I was at my front door and slipped down the stairs on a plastic bag for newspapers, the I guess I hit my head and my neighbor brought me here."

"Okay, be more careful of where you step next time. And tell your neighbor that walking around nude is against the law."

"I'm glad you're safe," 174 said rubbing my arms up and down.

Jihoo walked into the room, holding the brown fluffy cat, "it kept trying to get in. So I brought him in."

Jihoo~" I said surprised at the cat. The cat leaped out of her arms and jumped onto the bed. It walked in a circle and cuddled under my arm.

"Is the cat yours?" Jihoo asked

"Uh, yeah," I looked down at the cat, "his name's uh-"

"Tao" I heard the cat speak and I flinched.


"Yeah sorry for yesterday, my brother came home crying telling me to say sorry to you for him."

"Brother?" I said sitting up and petting the soft fur.

"Yeah, sorry, he was mad and assumed that you were the one that rejected me, but he was wrong."

"Ah~" I looked over and saw 174 hunching over and staring at his shoes.

"I never rejected you, it was just that you'd be creeped out with the truth behind me."

The cat purred and jumped off the bed, paused, and looked back at me.

"I think he's hungry." I said and got out of the bed. "I'm free to go right?"


"Wait, Sehun, I brought a new uniform for you." 174 threw a set of clothing at me, "you'll need it."

"Thanks," I left the hospital with Tao tailing me. why would I need a uniform when I was wearing one?

Once we got to an empty street I stopped and squatted down to the cat.

"What was yesterday?"

The cat purred and I managed to hear, "turn around." I did as told and turned around, only to find nothing of my interest. I turned back and the cat had become human.

"Hello, I'm Tao. One of the rare warlocks here."

"Then why did you choose to be a stray cat?" I said with an attitude standing up straight. He was slightly taller than me and his skin tone was much darker than my own. Dark bags laid under eyeliner filled eyes that went out and up. His face was mesmerizing, but what was more attention-stealing was his nudity.

"Clothes?" I said handing him the uniform. How'd 174 know?

"Thanks." He slipped the pants on, then the button-down, leaving the buttons undone. "I'm under a spell. And that spells just so happens to make me in this form. I didn't choose to be like this, but I thank him for this. I was able to save you." Tao said putting his hands in his pockets with the ends of the button-down behind them.

"I see you're proud of your abs." I said looking down and the squares surrounding the trail of fuzz. "Why is it that you saved me again?"

"Ah, I see you do not know of your own powers."

"Excuse me? I know of my powers of beauty." I said brushing my fingers through my hair.

"Personally, your beauty seems to fit that of a female." Tao fell to the side and caught himself, "I guess his power is still stronger than mine, catch me please." He said falling over into my arms.

"You dimwit, you couldn't just turn back into a cat?" I shouted as an old neighborhood grandma walked staring at me with strange eyes.

I propped Tao on my back and piggy-backed him to my house. When I got in there was a pair of shoes neatly placed in the entranceway.

"Who's there?" I picked up the umbrella on the side with Tao still on my back.

"Shh." I heard Tao whisper into my ear. "Put me down."

I did as told and he turned back into a cat with my clothes scattered around the entrance.

"Well well well, if it isn't our famous warlock." A tall blonde, but asian, man said walking out from the living room door. "Where are you taking refuge now? This house has the scent of a wizard, but I don't see one here." He spoke and we made eye contact.

Gold eyes pierced through me and I fainted once again, but this time I woke up almost immediately.

I was on my couch with Tao in my lap. The tall man was sitting across from me on the other couch with his legs crossed. Golden hair was combed up and back. He wore a long black trench coat over a white v-neck and dark skin-tight leather jeans. To my shock I saw someone that looked very similar to 174 sitting next to him. He had the same face, small and feminine, but was wearing a white tee under a striped cardigan with leopard print raybans. A white beanie cover a head of pink hair.

"Tao, I got your clothes, so stop lying to him." 174 look alike spoke. He threw a set of dar clothing.

"Do you have the glasses and earrings too?" Tao mumbled and purred.

"They're in there." The blonde guy spoke in a deep low voice.

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